On one hand…

Biden celebrates UAW endorsement in Macomb County

“Supporting you is the easiest thing I’ve ever done,” Biden told UAW members. “The single biggest reason why we have unions growing, the single biggest reason the economy is growing … because you are the best workers in the world.”

“We have one objective now. … We have one plan going forward and that’s to keep Joe Biden as our president,” [UAW president Shawn] Fain said. “We know who’s been there for labor and we sure as hell know who wasn’t.”

“Rarely as a union do you get so clear of a choice between two candidates,” Fain said at the conference. “It’s not about who you like, it’s not about your party, it’s not about this b—–t about age. It’s not about anything but our best shot at taking back power for the working class.”

…then, on the other hand…

Pro-Palestinian protesters demonstrate against Biden during trip to Michigan

Union leaders and Democratic officials weren’t the only ones waiting Thursday to greet President Joe Biden on his trip to Michigan.[…] But as he made his way to the UAW Region 1 building in Warren, protesters outside the Simple Palate restaurant nearby waved Palestinian flags, chanting “Genocide Joe,” “How many kids have you killed today” and “F— Joe Biden.”

The protest came just hours after Biden sanctioned four Israeli settlers in the West Bank, part of an effort to curb civilian casualties in the region as the Israel-Hamas war continues.

“We will save America from itself and punish Mr. Biden at the ballot box,” said National #AbandonBiden coalition leader and Community Leader Jaylani Hussein.

While I can completely appreciate Hussein’s position, well, that’s one of the stupidest things I’ve heard all day. The coalition isn’t just cutting off their own noses with that line of thinking.

That point of view could spell trouble for Biden politically as Arab Americans make up approximately 5% of the electorate in Michigan, while the president’s margin of victory over former President Donald Trump was less than 3 percentage points in 2020.

“The alternative’s even worse,” Fain said. “Trump moved the [Israeli] embassy when he was president. Obviously, he’s not going to do anything.”

Rock, meet Hard Place. What’s an average Joe to do?