Russia saw protests at polling stations on Sunday on the final day of voting in an election set to extend Russian President Vladmir Putin’s long hold on power.

Lines at some polling stations in Russia grew suddenly at around 12pm local time Sunday, the hour at which supporters of the deceased opposition leader Alexey Navalny called on people to turn out collectively as a show of opposition support.

A CNN team at a polling station in Moscow said the line grew rapidly over a five- to ten-minute spell at around noon, and estimated 150 people had arrived.

The CNN team said that police were letting people in batches through the gates to pass through security, with metal detectors and bags being checked inside the building.

    4 months ago

    “polling station protests” lol, cmon man, russia invaded crimea 10 years ago, they invaded ukraine 2+ years ago, some segments of the russian popluation (not the rich or well connected or even middle classes mind you) have seen their young, and old fed into the wood chipper that is the ukrainian warfront, and still, after navalny was imprisoned then murdered by the regime in broad daylight, the russian people can’t even find it within themselves to stage any real sort of protest against their despot that threatens the entire world

    russians are who we thought they were, they do not change, they feel no shared responsibility for the well being of humanity, only themselves . villains.