Here’s the IP: It’s not going to be always online, so please contact me on Matrix at if you want me to turn it on.

    4 months ago

    Containers are a really cool part of security. The security provided will depend on how the container is configured. For example if you give the container bridged networking permissions (or whatever equivalent term is used by your solution) then you’re giving the container access to communicate with other devices on your local network. This would be the opposite of what you want to do to prevent an attacker from pivoting through your LAN.

    Other threats just aren’t within the set of protections that can be provided by a container. For example if you wish to protect your Minecraft world from being griefed the container won’t have any affect on this. Another example is hiding your IP.

    Basically what I’m saying is that whenever you are looking at a security technology think about what guarantees it provides and realize that no single security measure provides protection against all threats.