Jerboa currently ignores single line breaks. I think single line breaks should be implemented as the only other alternative is double line breaks which are not always appropriate.

    1 year ago

    This is not a missing feature in Jerboa, it’s a design choice in the Markdown syntax. It’s done so that one can break up long lines in the .md file without affecting the rendered page. Markdown is a standard, and Jerboa uses an existing tool to format posts. In order to make this work for Jerboa the devs would have to break compatibility with Markdown and create their own rendering tool. They’re most likely not going to do it, and I don’t think they should.

    That’s not a problem, though, because you can already create single line breaks in Jerboa, using standard Markdown. All you have to do is add two spaces at the end of your first line, where you want your line break to be. So, if I write down:

    This is a line
    This is another line

    this gets rendered to:

    This is a line
    This is another line

    There are other ways to create line breaks in Markdown:

    • Using an HTML <br> tag
    • Using a backslash \

    but they’re not supported by all renderers. For example: the <br> tag works in Jerboa, but not in the web UI. Double space works for me in both.

    • soyagi@yiffit.netOP
      1 year ago

      Thank you for the explanation. Good to know single line breaks are possible. However, other web services allow the user to use a single line break and it’s displayed in the same way. While you give a good technical reason why it is this way, I’m not convinced it’s the most user friendly approach.

        1 year ago

        Which other web services support Markdown formatting and also single line breaks? Reddit, for example, didn’t…

        Since AFAIK the main reason for this choice in standard Markdown was to make the raw .md files more readable, I can see how this isn’t necessary in Lemmy. I still see two reasons not to change this though:

        • Effort: forking and maintaining a markdown rendering library just for lemmy would take a ton of effort for a pretty small usability improvement. The dev team is already small and overloaded with work, this doesn’t seem like a good use of their time.
        • Consistency: each website having its own flavor of Markdown syntax would be pretty chaotic for users. Right now you can learn basic Markdown once and use it on Reddit, Lemmy, Github, etc. If every website did it their own way you’d have to remember all the little differences, it would get messy.
        • soyagi@yiffit.netOP
          1 year ago

          I wasn’t talking about markdown language. I was talking about the end user experience. In my email client for example, I can write a single line break and it is formatted as such. The end user shouldn’t have to know/worry/care about the underlying technology; the technology should work to meet their needs.

            1 year ago

            Yeah, let’s embed a MS Word window in the interface instead of the text box, for a full wysiwyg user friendly experience. It could check the user’s environment and log in to Office365 using their credentials, thus having access to their templates and onedrive too.

            Hey, hey, what about… Teams integration? That would be super user friendly. We could read, comment and post directly from our cosy familiar Microsoft friendliness, never ever needing to know, worry or care about any underlying technology.

            But wait! I clearly remember having to know, worry and care about how to use wysiwyg editors. Can’t we instead go back to using raw latex tags and vi as the post/comment interface?