• Buelldozer@lemmy.today
    4 months ago

    90% of them wouldn’t give a single shit if the ATF was only shooting black people over the laws they created specifically to oppress black people.

    Federal Gun laws weren’t “specifically created to oppress black people.” Some State level ones were but the Federal ones apply to everybody and Conservatives have always hated them and the Agency that enforces them. The undeniable fact is that Ol’ Whitey hated the ATF before BIPOC folks even knew that the 2nd Amendment applied to them.

    This idea that literally everything from laws to the reactionaries who are against them is racially motivated is one of the dumbest fucking things to appear online in the past decade.

    Get it straight, there is no struggle but the class struggle.

    • SupraMario@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      As a lefty pro-2a, you nailed it. We gun owners don’t hate the ATF because “white people get shot” we hate them because they’re fucking thugs who create their own rules.