While rebutting another post here on Lemmy, I ran into this. This says exactly what I want to say.

I am not a friend of Biden’s Administration. I think they drug their feet over a variety of things ranging from holding Trump and his goons accountable for January 6th through rulemaking on issues like OTC Birth Control and abortion rights, and yes, I think he’s too quick to please big business. But then I remember what the alternative is, and … well, disappointed in Biden or not, I’m voting for him. Because my wife is a Black bisexual goth woman, four strikes under Team Pepe’s tent. And I have my own strikes for marrying her as a White dude, and respecting her right to not have kids since she doesn’t want them is another strike against me. And I care about my Non-Christian, Gay, Transgender, and Minority friends, and will never willingly subject them to Team Pepe.

  • Guy_Fieris_Hair@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    “It’s true. He’s old. We don’t need to be ageist, though. The question he do the job, and he’s proven for the past 4 years that he can.”

    He can’t do the job. He can just do it slightly less badly than the last guy. The country and inflation is shit. Some of that is his predecessor, but he has done nothing to change shit. His cronies still dodge taxes, and I still pay nearly a 1/4 of my income to feds alone. He tried to pretend to forgive student debt by executive order knowing exactly how it would be shut down so he can pander. Kamala called for legalization of pot a month ago when their polls are low. Yet nothing will come of it. Because they are just pandering. He has done nothing, and since our previous president was so abundantly horrible, that actually seems like a good thing. I get it, “choose the less of two evils, welcome to adulthood” I am fucking 50. I’ve been an adult plenty long enough. I have never not voted because I didn’t like who was there. But I will fucking removed about it online and I am not going to shill for shitbags. Yeah, I am all the ists if that is what you have to call everyone you disagree with, he used to speak ok, now he struggles getting a sentence out.

    If thinking someone who was born a decade and a half before we sent and object into space is too old to make decisions on the governance of AI is agist… than I am agist. Trump, Biden, Bernie, all too old for the world we live in. So are all the senators that don’t give up their seats.

    I get it is what it is and maybe some people just accept it. I won’t. I’ll vote but I won’t smile while I do it.