• supersquirrel@sopuli.xyz
    5 个月前

    Also, Biden is walking a tightrope. Most Jewish people vote for Democrats. If he loses some pro-Gaza voters, he’ll win some pro-Israel voters. And the other way around.

    You are knowingly or not trying to manufacture consent for a reality that does not exist,


    Western media and politicians want to keep pretending like the genocide going on that we are complicit in hasn’t resulted in the deaths of at least 30,000 innocent Palestinians, and that death count is old I wouldn’t be surprised if it was ~80,000 at this point with famine conditions being present for this long.

    Most of the rest of the world including voters in the US DO NOT agree with Biden directly enabling genocide, it simply isn’t supported by the facts though you can hear it on any US news station Republican leaning or Democrat leaning.

    At the end of the day, there are no winners in this conflict.

    You are so very tragically wrong, the reason this conflict is still happening is because there are very important winners. Netanyahu knows that the minute the existential threat of Hamas goes away and he stops handing territory to his rightwing settler supporters (Israel’s flavor of MAGA idiots but even worse) he is going to lose legitimacy as a non-democratic leader (seriously this guy isn’t some supporter of democracy people) so maintaining this conflict is LITERALLY existential for Netanyahu. This is common knowledge globally across most political spectrums at this point.

    And yeah, the settlers win, the rightwing hateful bigots who are erasing Palestinians from their homes and from this earth at a terrifying rate, win. Russia wins from this conflict drawing attention away and giving no moral grounds to establish effective international pressure to reel them in.

    Somewhat maddeningly the US directly loses as we have now permanently lost legitimacy in the eyes of any countries that aren’t direct allies who will automatically tow whatever narrative line they are told to. Israel loses too because they made themselves a pariah state in the world’s eyes. The Palestinians lose, perhaps most of their culture and community, certainly the lives of their loved ones and kids.

    There are winners though and it is incredibly disingenuous to pretend there isn’t.

    It is also just a completely baseless narrative that Biden has to keep supporting this genocide by providing unlimited weapons and diplomatic cover because it is what US citizens want.

    It isn’t and Biden’s refusal to budge on this issue even when his staffers are basically panicking about it destroying his otherwise sound presidential re-election campaign (those that haven’t resigned because of it) could very well cost him the election. If Biden loses it will UNDOUBTEDLY be because he refused to evolve on this issue even when voters from his party literally staged protests and voted undecided to beg him to change his policy on this mass project of cruelty while being extremely careful not to feed energy to Trump or a third party candidate.

    Genocide is a redline.


    Those are US made bombs being delivered by US made guidance systems by IDF crews that train regularly with US fighter pilots and Close Air Support military assets.

    Don’t come at me with “oh but it is complicated and we can’t do anything about it”. If Biden truly wanted to stop this he could pick up the phone and do it in probably 10 seconds flat (and everybody in his staff knows it).

    Israel cannot politically function without US support especially now that Israel has made its self into a pariah state, yet we firehouse incredible amounts of arms to Israel and simultaneously give them free reign to do whatever the hell they want to while flicking us off like the most murderous version possible of a rebellious teen and dysfunctional parent that sort of likes the violence.

    Netanyahu ultimately has very little power to dictate the terms of the power relationship given this reality. Biden is utterly complicit.