• RememberTheApollo_@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    From the school of “I suffered through [x], so therefore everyone else should suffer, too, even if they don’t need to.”

    There’s always going to be a cutoff point where someone has it harder or easier than those that came before. That’s just life. As long as the change wasn’t malicious, just feel good (or whatever is appropriate) for those that benefit from it.

    I work in a highly contract-controlled industry, and when things improve there’s always a segment of the group that might be close to retirement or something and gets all pissed that they didn’t won’t realize the benefits of a change that will apply mostly to those that will have longer under the change. They’re the same ones that removed that new employees didn’t suffer under whatever crappy work rules that might have existed before, too.

    So yeah…people that paid off their loans, or guys that I work with that paid for some/all of their kid’s college, removed about people catching a break on their loans. STFU and be happy that someone else caught a break.