• m0darn@lemmy.ca
    4 months ago

    Height is such a bad thing to filter based on.

    My wife’s best friend was complaining about how she goes on lots of dates but there’s never a real connection. She is a little taller than average but insisted she needed a guy at least 6’2" (so he would be at least X" taller than her when she was wearing X" heels).

    That’s just a terrible priority if you want a real connection.

    Because you want to have to tilt your head up at least 20° (?) to kiss while wearing high heels, you’re willing to eliminate 95% of bachelors? Have you considered the logistics of kissing while you’re not wearing high heels?

    But the criterion was like a point of pride for her, like her ego wouldn’t allow her to look for someone less than 6’2". Super weird. Just not a good way to find a partner.