I’m not sure if I’m missing something, but I’m a bit confused on how post creation works in Boost.

I’ve been using Liftoff since Boost got kicked off Reddit, and the post screen there seems to be what I’d expect. I cut out the useless half screen of whitespace, but it looks like this:

I’m not sure why Boost has different screens for different types of posts, and that may be where I’m getting confused.

The Text Post interface has this nice bar with the markup tools.

The Image Post screen doesn’t have that toolbar and it has a really small box for text.

Isn’t it easier to just have one post interface or is there a benefit I don’t understand? The layout style of Liftoff seems to handle everything on the same screen. If the toolbar was added to the image post screen, then you could have the image add as an option and just have one post interface. Something like this.

Again, I’m not saying what Boost is doing is bad, I just don’t understand why it’s broken down how it is. My posts are a main image used as a thumbnail, but then the text is pretty long and will contain at least 2 links to sources and sometimes additional photos. I want to switch back to Boost, but I don’t know how to do what I need to do on it.

I dont think I ever posted on Reddit, so I don’t know what it was like on old Boost, but I’m trying to post a few times a day here to get things going, so I’m pretty new to this still.
