• deweydecibel@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    They’re not getting a penny from me while they host hate on their platform, for one.

    Second, fuck em. Am I supposed to care about Google? The company that routinely ruins everything good in every product they’ve ever had? Am I to assume their bullshit ends once they get my credit card?

    I paid good money for Google Play Music for years only for them to destroy it. I paid for Google Drive for years only for them to break the desktop syncing functions. I’ve been paying for Android since it started, and they have routinely broken my ability to use my own phone the way I please, and now they actively punish me for it.

    And you want me to keep paying them?

    Nah. I’m not helping them. If they can’t afford to host it for free, fine. Let it burn.