• iorale@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    3 days ago

    Man… could you share some copium? Mine ran out a long time ago.
    México wouldn’t be more stable even if the drug cartels weren’t here, do you know why?
    Because we are fucking assholes; corruption, nepotism and populism would still run rampant and we (mexicans in general) would still enable them. The evidence were the last elections, the next elected president has blood in her hands among many other crimes but people didn’t care as long as they get some pesos, their defendants blatantly said that they vote for her to make everyone else’s life worse and to move the country to a fake communism where we no longer can vote.

    So yeah… the USA might have done their part LONG AGO, but the current state of affairs has been all us, shitting on each other because fuck us.

    • volodya_ilich@lemm.ee
      2 days ago

      do you know why?
      Because we are fucking assholes; corruption, nepotism and populism would still run rampant and we (mexicans in general) would still enable them

      I understand you’re probably Mexican, but you’re just being racist towards Mexican people. There’s nothing inherent about Mexican people that makes them corruptible, tolerant to corruption, or assholes, or nepotists. The reality is Mexico is part of the global south, and so the global north basically forces it to adopt free trade agreements which allow companies from the global north to open factories and businesses there with misery wages and bad working conditions, and to export these goods and services to the global north at much reduced prices. This perpetuates a cycle in which the labor of the global north is consistently priced much higher than that of the global south, and there’s a wealth extraction called “unequal exchange”.

      In the meanwhile, every effort is made so that there’s no labor organization in the exploited country, and that elected leaders don’t apply protectionism or even nationalizations.

      So yes, it’s fair to blame the US and the rest of the global north for the lack of development of most regions in Asia, Latin America, and Africa.

      • iorale@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        2 days ago

        And I assume you are not mexican and only knows that side of the tale because your best card is calling me racist for something that I never said.

        I never said it was inherent to us because we were mexicans, I said we are, we allowed it and we seem to look up to it because that’s what we are showing and we’ve been showing for years. Why is it? I don’t know, I’m no expert in psychology, but living since birth here in México has shown me it’s a lie that we are mostly good, there are a couple good people but a bigger number would rather sink the ship to make their crewmates life worse than to try and make the ship better for everyone.

        The USA played a big role at the beginning (I’ve never denied it), but so many years later we have nobody else to blame than us. Not even the politicians, we civilians enable them (some even protect them for free) and stopped protesting… And I mean actual protests, not just a small mobilisation that lasts a couple hours and then it’s over.

      • iorale@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        2 days ago

        Yes, the one who swore to keep destroying the jungle to build a useless train, to keep a poorly regulated and badly positioned airport, to keep destroying the mangrove for a refinery that won’t work, because that’s what her pupeteer wants… She let the Metro go from bad to worse while she was acting as governor and people died from that and had an ilegal campaign for years.

        • areyouevenreal@lemm.ee
          2 days ago

          Do you have evidence for any of this?

          Reading about her political positions she actually sounds reasonable.

          • iorale@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            23 hours ago

            Politicians lie, you should know that, but she said multiple times during her campaign that she was gonna be the continuity for her puppeteer and current president, every time she has been asked what was she gonna do about those destructive proyects she said she was gonna see them through the end, a little web search will lead you to it, it’s not hard to find (also look up what happened to all the wood they cut down from the jungle… Nobody knows).
            She already assigned her people for the goverment, all of them are criminals of different degrees, her people to protect so they can’t go against her.
            Her party asaigned someone who idolizes Putin, the CPP and Maduro, to design the curriculum for the schools and it has been shown hard (ex: math are now evil and not being taught properly, they are also forcing changes on history to praise their leader), and she gave her full support to that (also hasn’t said anything about fixing it).
            Also look for her history with the Rebsamen school and the fall of the metro line 12 during her local goverment.

            And the next congress has absolute majority of their party and allies, they have swore to just say yes to everything the current president and her send, no discussion or analysis.

            When someone shows you who they are, believe them.