“So, you have some Championships for me?”

“Yes sir, I do! I was thinking that since we’re a small unproven wrestling company, we could name one of our main championships the TNT championship!”

“Thats the name of the network!”

“It sure is, sir! And we’re going to focus it around one of our founding wrestlers, whom we KNOW will never leave this promotion!”

“Great! Whats his name?”


“Cody…cody…I don’t see him on my list here…what’s his last name?”

“Heeeyshutup. We’re also thinking about a TBS Championship for the women, but that wouldn’t make sense, as we have no shows on TBS.”

“Well, not unless we bump your year round show for NHL hockey which is only on for 8 months a year.”

“Well, if that does happen, we have the perfect idea for a long term champion. She’s a tall woman named Jade Cargill. A long term project that we’re going to invest heavily into with an undefeated streak. Like Goldberg!”

“Well with a push like that, I can’t imagine her ever leaving AEW.”

“Me Too.”

“So is that it? Is that all the championships?”

“Well, there is another one, but I don’t think you’d like it…”

“What is it?”

“It’s called the FTW Championship. It was first introduced in the 90s, and surprisingly, no other company ever had any copyrights over it, so we’re free to bring it back!”

“Oh, bringing back things from the 90s is TIGHT!”

“I thought you might think so, aaaanyways, I think that just about----”

“Haaaang on. This FTW Championship, won’t it be hard to get past censors?”

“Actually it’ll be super easy barely an inconvenience!”

“Oh really??”

“Yeah, I figure we just never mention the full name on air, and eventually we find a troll wrestler to call it For The Win world championship. Since those innitials have been memed anyways.”

“What if we called it For The World championship instead?”

“Yeah, but we’d need a terrible person to pull something like that off…”

  • Montagge@lemmy.zip
    3 months ago

    I don’t want to believe they did lol

    Speaking of Cody leaving what happened to that Fuego Dos guy?

    Jade leaving still sucks :(

    • TagMeInSkipIGotThis@lemmy.nz
      3 months ago

      I’m not convinced Jade leaving is so bad for AEW. She has a great look and aura, but in matches & promos wasn’t all that good and wasn’t going to get better there. She might not get much better in WWE either, but they have far more tools to deploy training her. I think she was pretty much already at her AEW ceiling and had to spend time elsewhere to improve.

      • Montagge@lemmy.zip
        3 months ago

        Your right as there wasn’t really anywhere for her to go once her streak ended. Another reason the Goldberg treatment is kinda dumb lol

        • TagMeInSkipIGotThis@lemmy.nz
          3 months ago

          That’s definitely part of it; but she’s still pretty green and AEW relies on a more work rate, and technical style of presentation which she wasn’t really nailing. Whereas WWE has ways of hiding her weaknesses there while she improves plus the facilities and trainers that AEW just doesn’t have the scope for.