• frazw@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    “I want your money but I don’t want you to see how trustworthy I am. Just give me money”

    Seriously how entitled is everyone these days. It is not a human right to borrow money, you are at the mercy of the banks because your are asking them for a favour. If you don’t like that, don’t ask them for money.

    You always have the other option. Build savings instead, but then you have to wait for the things you want and you might have to live with family while doing so. I’m not saying this path is easy, but I’m not the one objecting to a lender wanting to know how good or bad I am with money before expecting them to risk theirs.

    • bluehexagon@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      Not everyone has family they can stay with. Many have shit credit due to health conditions that are not their fault. Credit checks are increasingly used for apartment leases and car insurance. Is it entitled for a person to think they should be able to have a place to live?

      • jarfil@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        shit credit due to health conditions

        There’s your problem: it isn’t credit scores, it’s an abusive healthcare system tanking your credit score.

        If everyone should have the same opportunities in life, they should have them despite their health conditions, the opposite is thinly veiled eugenics.

      • frazw@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        “Not everyone has family they can stay with.” No I know that. Which is why I said it’s not easy to go this path.

        "Many have shit credit due to health conditions that are not their fault. "

        Which is not an argument for " give me your money without looking at my past" it’s an argument for mitigating circumstances to be better considered.

        “Credit checks are increasingly used for apartment leases and car insurance.”

        This is wrong. A security deposit is the landlords financial guarantee. I also think insurance should be based solely on driving record, not age , gender or where you live.

        “Is it entitled for a person to think they should be able to have a place to live?”

        If they expect to be lent money for it, no questions asked them it is absolutely the definition of entitled. You are not entitled to a place to live on someone else’s money. It is your responsibility to provide for yourself and your family. I’m all for expanding welfare programmes, help to buy schemes, rent control etc etc. Those things are something we all pay into and provide us with a safety net is bad things happen. Those things should make sure you are able to have a place to live, but don’t expect a bank to lend you 500k to buy a house without some idea of is they can trust you.

        Now in saying some of this I find myself in the dirty position of siding with rich banks. I am not intending to do that because I hate that they make shit loads and squirrel it away for themselves, charge me for borrowing when I’m in negative and pay me back very little for using my money when I’m in positive. This is not about that, I’m only interested in what is fair in the isolated transaction of one party pending another money. Wouldn’t you want to know how likely you are too get back your money if you were the lender? Would you lend money to your friends with a gambling problem? Is the current system of credit check fair? Not exactly. It should be enough to be able to demonstrate financial responsibility. I paid rent for 20 years without missing a payment, but it wasn’t enough to demonstrate financial stability or responsibility and that is plain wrong.