Will it be effective?


No, it was not very effective.

EDIT: The banning event continues. Please consult the modlog to observe.


If you scroll down to about a day ago, you might be able to observe an emerging behavior from this mod.

EDIT 2: The mod in question moderates a total of 108 Lemmy communities. How deep does this conspiracy run? Is this mod a lost Redditor? More to come!

EDIT 3: The mod has now removed my comment all together, one might assume because it was still receiving upvotes in the 2 hours following my ban. Are there similarities here to Watergate? You be the judge!

EDIT 4: The mod in question has now been removed as a mod of the !vegan@lemmy.world community, as a result of their abuse of power.


This was their response:

EDIT 5: This will be my final update, since as far as I see it, the issue this thread focuses on has been resolved. To quote Beaver herself in a very ironic comment she made directed towards someone else:

Clearly this was all just a case of…

  • angrystego@lemmy.world
    18 days ago

    I’m not a vegan or even a vegetarian, but even I can see that my vegetarian friends get questioned uncomfortably all the time for their diet choice. When you do something differently, you inevitably get bullied.

    • BreathingUnderWater@lemmy.ca
      17 days ago

      I used to be a vegetarian for a decade and then a pescetarian before apathy fully set in and I saw how pointless it all is.

      Vegans and vegetarians can be some of the most judgemental gatekeeping assholes out there. Many of them aren’t, but the ones that are militant and overbearing are the worst and only push others from their cause. Those ones desperately want to feel better than others, so become borderline eating disordered to elevate themselves to some holy god level in their minds because they eat beans and lentils.

      They aren’t in the same class as minorities. They choose to eat the diet they do. And no one can visibly tell they are vegetarian/vegan until they tell others they are.

      • angrystego@lemmy.world
        17 days ago

        They are not in the same situation as minorities, but if they stay true to their ideals, they get bullied just like minorities. The fact there are assholes among them just like in any other group of people changes nothing.

        • BreathingUnderWater@lemmy.ca
          16 days ago

          Getting bullied is not the same as being a “MINORITY”. White kids who are not minorities in North America but get bullied all the time in school. Not eating flesh of a mammal or fish etc doesn’t mean you are a “minority”. Like I said, I’ve experienced life as a veggie. Is it annoying? The stupid questions, the comments people make? Yes. But I’ve never had a cop pull me over and worry about whether I’ll die that day because I don’t eat beef. Or worry, walking down the street, alone at night as a single woman, if I’ll be assaulted because I don’t eat chicken. Non-meat-eaters aren’t minorities in the sense that they are discriminated against in the idea that the word “minority” conjures up. They deal with, at most, someone tricking them into eating meat. Which I’ve had done. It felt violating and offensive but wasn’t any sort of level as someone who is an actual “minority” in our continent.

          • angrystego@lemmy.world
            14 days ago

            As I think about it though, the word minority now mosty means an ethnical minority. But when mentioning women - although discriminated against, they’re not a minority in the original sense at all - there is usually the same number of women and men, the problems lie elsewhere. In this sense of the word, vegans are a minority in our society. They could be compared to religious minorities, I guess. It’s a choice, but a choice based on ethical foundations, so going against this choice is unthinkable for those people without being untrue to themselves and betraying what they believe in.