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This film, unfortunately, was shunned from all 9/11 Truth festivals this month. The organizers, I have been told, “decided not to muddy the waters with a film about Israel’s involvement in 9/11.” This must be ironic, for evidence of Israel’s involvement brings clarity, while muddy waters are what Israel needs. However, the film will be streamed on on October 9th, followed by a debate between Alan Sabrosky, Kevin Barrett, and myself.

In the film, I introduce the hypothetical scenario of the “nested conspiracies” — perhaps better named the “hijacked” or “double-crossed conspiracy” — which is an attempt to distinguish the part played by the U.S. military and the part played by Israel. In this article, I will expound on that theory by arguing that the attack on the Pentagon and the attacks of the Twin Towers were prepared by two distinct groups, with two distinct aims: regime change in Afghanistan on the one hand, total war against Israel’s enemies on the other. The Pentagon attack was a Northwoods-type inside job, but the Twin Towers’ demolition — the big event, that defines 9/11 it in world consciousness — was an Israeli job in the spirit of the Liberty attack, only a thousand times bigger (Israel had learned from the Liberty fiasco that there would be no penalty for failure, so why not think big). What happened, I suggest, is that a group of high-positioned sayanim in Washington and New York double-crossed the U.S. strategists and turned their rather modest false-flag operation into a “cataclysmic” one, leaving them with no other choice but to cover up the whole thing, since exposing Israel’s operation would inevitably expose their own.