If you didn’t knew torsocks, it’s a tool to safely route various commands and applications over Tor. Let’s install it first:

Updating repos & intstalling requirements
  • $ sudo apt update && sudo apt install autoconf automake libtool gcc -y
Cloning the gitlab repository
  • $ git clone https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/torsocks/ && cd torsocks
Compiling the package
  • $ ./autogen.sh && ./configure && make && sudo make install
Now we can try to use any application/command by calling torsocks before
  • $ torsocks firefox-esr will route your browser over Tor
  • $ torsocks curl <arg> will route curl over Tor
You also can start a new terminal session fully routed over Tor by doing --shell
  • $ torsocks --shell
  • $ (your terminal is now using Tor)
  • soloActivist
    10 months ago

    It should be made clear that torsocks cannot /force/ an app to use Tor. Torsocks redirects system calls but if an app does not use system calls to access the internet, torsocks will have no effect.