• ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    It would be absolute chaos.

    Which is part of what successful coups rely on: the visible theater of interrupting daily life.

    Destabilizing daily life as much as possible, for as many people as possible, makes the public that much more pliant and willing to accept a dictator who will restore order and fall in line with a new regime.

    People here talking about Donald Trump like he has any inner limits at all, or anyone in his circle with the power to get him to turn back on a bad decision. No. That fucker will turn off the internet in a heartbeat if he has even a fraction of an opportunity to do so, just to prove he can. And he will then blame it on whoever is standing in his way the most.

    • Rob@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      He shuts down major backbones, effectively turning off the U.S. Internet. At the same time, he releases a story to the media and telcos about a major attack on the backbones - a virus, whatever. There’s panic and chaos, as the country grinds to a halt.

      He uses that to declare martial law.

      After a sufficient time (a small number of days, or even hours), he turns the backbones back on, claiming experts have fixed the problem. Citing martial law, he puts restrictions in place on the U.S, Internet, as dictators do.

      We now have severely limited access to real news and information, martial law, and a dictator in place. American Democracy is dead.

      Vote Democrat. No matter how much you think they’re the same, they aren’t.