
We recently released Smaug-72B-v0.1 which has taken first place on the Open LLM Leaderboard by HuggingFace. It is the first open-source model to have an average score more than 80.

  • 𝕸𝖔𝖘𝖘@infosec.pub
    8 months ago

    Sounds like he was trying to get what he needed to learn the maths, even if screwed over his friends. Hopefully he learned from it, improved himself, and didn’t do something like that again. After all, we all did stupid things growing up. You seemed to have handled it really well. Good on you!

    Yeah, it was really bad. And I wish I could say it was the first of its kind at that school. Or the last. But I wasn’t either. That principal was a joke who had his boys club going strong. Last I heard, he was black-listed from all educational institutions, public and private. I hope that was a permanent ban. I’m not sure about the others who committed these acts, though.