• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Alteon@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldTip?
    2 days ago

    I just hit no tip and say thanks! And walk out. It’s not difficult.

    What are they going to do? Make a scene? I pray they would.

    I’m sorry, you tell me what fucking service I’m tipping you for? Do you tip your plumber? Do you tip the attendant at a roller coaster at a theme park? Do you tip front desk attendant at a hotel? No…pray tell, why do you think you need a tip for pouring me two-hour old hot bean water? Did you grind it by hand at my request? Did you personally see to it that I received only the very best beans at ye Starbucks roasteries? No? Then fuck off.

  • What’s wrong with being Satanic?

    The Satanic Temple had been more supportive and pushing for individual rights, women’s rights, LGBT rights, bodily autonomy, and a science vs religion for years.

    They’ve led the fight on the US to make sure that our religious freedoms are upheld. You know…that thing that our entire country was founded upon? There’s nothing more American than embracing Satan lol…

    That being said, no one is actually worshipping Satan. The majority of TST supporters are atheist, agnostic, and religious folks with enough religious humility that they support the righteous causes that the TST fights for.

    If you could, donate to them or purchase something from their store (which is awesome btw). It all goes to amazing causes that likely 95% of you actually support.

  • Bro, that’s not good Mac and cheese. You haven’t had good Mac and cheese. I promise you.

    Check out how to use sodium citrate and what it does.

    Them get yourself some of your favorite cheese.

    For me, smoked Gouda and cave aged cheddar and a little pecorino romano if I’ve got it.

    Roughly 4-5g of sodium citrate per 100g of cheese. Use water or milk, start with a half cup and add more as you need it, honestly there’s more than enough fat content in the cheese that it won’t make a difference. Shred cheese and add to simmering water. Keep adding cheese until everything is in the pot, and the sauce is perfectly smooth. There should be no lumps. Add more water or milk to desired consistency, and add some mustard powder, cayenne, and garlic. And salt to your preference. It’s the creamiest Mac and cheese you’ll ever have, and the depth of flavor is game changing. I promise you.

    You can even take it to the next step with caramelized onions or shallots and some crumbled sausage. Finish with some bread crumbs, a little paramesian, and some smoked paprika on top, and toss it under the broiler for a minute to toast up.

    For reference, the photo of the “Juneteenth” version is melted cheese with noodles. Fuck that. The recipe I gave you will look like the stuff on the right, and its so fucking good, you’ll discover God in that bowl of Mac and cheese.

  • Alteon@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldHappy Juneteenth everyone!
    11 days ago

    Cause you’re tasting that sweet, sweet nostalgia.

    I’d bet if you gave someone that’s never had Mac and cheese before Kraft Mac vs a good gourmet Mac, the gourmet will win by an absolute landslide.

    Cheap Mac and cheese isn’t good because it’s good… It’s good because of the old memories attached to it.

  • I’m not going to say they’re not real or not sentient. But I will absolutely say that they are selfish. They lack the empathy required to understand how things will affect others. They lack the willingness to sacrifice for the greater good. They lack the humility required to understand that they could be wrong, and the critical reasoning required to change their views in the face of new evidence.

    Almost every conservative I’ve ever met is either extremely rich or lives in microcosm. Hell, I’ve got extended family that have never travelled outside of their hometown and anything foreign or different to them is either ridiculed or shunned.

    They want a social hierarchy, and they want their place in it preserved. God forbid people get equitable standing.