Ah yes, the absolute violator move of telling someone they have nice hair. I hope she survives such a harrowing assault.
I sure hope they invent a cure for balding if they’re going to invent a cure for aging in my lifetime.
Peanut butter weevil time. Peanut butter weevil time!
This is funny?
One thing I don’t understand about quantum immortality is what happens when you die of old age? We don’t have 3000 year old people on the planet. Eventually you’re going to permanently die. Right?
Did you mistake my sandwich for your own sandwich with a moist maker?
What is the point of making up contentious stories? Just say you got a haircut. I guess getting people to comment is the point, which evidently works. I hate this version of the internet.
You need to put the hole in your sidewall for it to work properly.
Yer a goosefish!
I just read that part of the book a couple nights ago.
That Pluto is a planet.
Welcome to 2024.
Everyone else?
Uh, yeah… This aligns all too well with people these days.
You’ve died many times, you just don’t remember respawning.
Physical therapy will rapidly accelerate your recovery time and results.
I’ve been on both sides of this picture at different times in my life.
I did suspect that possibility. My statement stands though. I hate this version of the internet where doing this sort of stuff is common and popular.