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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Ughhhhhh how the hell does he have a 46% approval rating?!?!? Texans really don’t care that he left them to die in the snow.

    I’m going to continue to remain optimistic…Allred did flip a historically red district blue and he’s retained control since.

    But JFC every time I start to have hope for this state, they do something that really makes me wanna throw my hands up and be like “You wanna live in unfettered Christian Nationalism? Fine. Fuck you then and you get what you want.” 😮‍💨

  • I’m actually about to get ICL surgery to correct mine in July @ 35 years old. Pretty stoked to not have to use glasses anymore. Though from what I’ve been told, it will make those of us who get ICLs more susceptible to early cataracts (like 60 years old or so versus 75, as we all will eventually get cataracts if we live long enough), and I’ll need a second surgery at that point for better lenses. But if I’m going to eventually need that surgery anyway to remove a cataract, then what’s it matter?

  • So, I do brush my teeth at least daily (I shoot for twice, but I’m not going to pretend that always happens), and I’ve recently started flossing once daily (recently as in, it was my New Years resolution).

    I’ve only had cavities twice in my life - once when I spent 2 years living in Okinawa, and once when I got back from a deployment where we were advised to only drink bottled water.

    No other adjustments to my routine. The only thing I can chalk it up to is the lack of fluoride in both instances. And like I said, I’m not someone who takes immaculate care of my teeth.

    Edit: Purely anecdotal experience, obviously, I just really couldn’t come up with an alternative answer 🤷‍♀️

  • Meh, this isn’t really dystopian imo, they provide a really good service. They will provide limited mental health/crisis counseling to you (regardless of faith/lack therof), with no written documentation. Unless you’re telling them you plan to actively hurt yourself or someone else, then they’re 100% confidential.

    The military has gotten better in recent years about this, but when I was a young Airman 15 years ago, it was drilled into our heads that you DO NOT go to Mental Health for ANY reason if you wanted to stay in and keep your career. It was viewed as an instant career killer if you went back then.So Chaplains became the “go between” in a lot of instances. Because there was no record.

    I used them 3 or 4 times before I finally bit the bullet and went to Mental Health back in December. 3 of the 4 Chaplains I saw were awesome and just listened to my anxieties and then talked me down as to how unlikely they were to pass. The fourth did ask me if he could pray for me at the end, and I’m sure I could have said no, but I was more like “Sure, I guess.” So he said some kind of generic prayer, handed me a pocket bible and sent me on my way. He wasn’t bad, still listened to my issue, but I could see someone who is very uncomfortable with prayer being too nervous/anxious to say “no” if they didn’t really want it.

  • Worse than that. They just don’t care. My mother is a HUGE Conservative, and she had an abortion back in the 80s right before she got pregnant with me. When I confronted her about it, she said: “Well, there are more options more widely available for women who want to avoid pregnancy today than there were back then.”

    And I asked about women who work pay check to pay check and can’t really afford a $50 OTC Plan B pill whenever they want to have sex, and she said “Well, they better afford it. It’s cheaper than going to get an abortion even where it is legal!” 😮‍💨