Awoo [she/her]


If you need me try matrix but be patient as I don’t check it daily.

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • Being a child killer among other people that have committed murders but still have some principles is usually not good. Not to mention being like THE child killer in Norway not just any child killer.

    I’m British, THE child killer here would’ve been Myra Hindley, would I have killed her in prison? Yes. Yes I would. I’m pretty sure there’s some fairly rough guys in there that would not take kindly to a person that slaughtered 69 kids one by one by one at a fucking summer camp.

    So many good future socialists died that day. I completely guarantee someone kills the fucker if he is mixed in with everyone.

    Not really sure why you think Norwegians are ontologically predisposed to not want to kill child mass murderers tbh.

  • Chatgpt is just Cortana with better marketing. AI isn’t smart, it’s just algorithms producing a facsimile of language via pattern heatmaps. What was Cortana if not just an earlier version of the same thing?

    ““AI”” is all a techbro marketing bubble. Will burst and move on eventually.

    Like holy shit we had the autofill feature in Photoshop ages and ages ago and that’s just doing what the “intelligent” image generators do. We didn’t call it AI back then. All marketing for what amounts to just some interesting algorithms.

  • I’m sorry but how have you possibly come to the conclusion that stalin executed spanish anarchists is “historical fact”???

    And Mao did literally nothing to anarchists. In fact they were allied. The fascists destroyed the KPAM through assassinating their leadership. Mao’s entire structure was heavily influenced by anarchist organising in part through organisational necessity and in part because he disagreed with european MLs that the rural peasantry couldn’t be the leading force in revolution, the implementation of the mass line too was heavily influenced by anarchist theory.

  • I think that’s a stretch, seems to be a person that recognises a situation that is escalating and doesn’t want it to, so they’re using extremely diplomatic language in order to try to get through without being lumped into the “my enemies” crowd by db0.

    Which is a good thing. This whole thing is stupid and it stopping would be good and healthier for everyone.

  • It’s not just an “ML position”, in fact it’s not an ML position at all and there is no ML party with that position. Your attempts to frame it as one are sus.

    People are going to continue starting this shit. It’s up to hexbear to not make it end up…well, like this.

    You. You’re the “people”. You are saying “I’m going to do this more”.

    Really don’t be surprised when this completely derails into hostility and destroys any kind of positive relationship you attempted to build. Anyway I’m disengaging now. Please don’t call me back in here.

  • My bad it’s completeanarchy I had in mind, anarchism is safe and in fact it’s the only anarchist subreddit that has good relations with the socialist subreddits.

    I’m not giving evidence you’ll just have to take my word for it.

    Antiwork actually had Laurelai Bailey, an actual known snitch, we actually do know that there was fed shit going on there

    I was active during the antiwork events and we had accounts in the modteam trying to turn it around but we were fucked as soon as the admins stepped in and brought on liberal powermods. Things potentially could have gone differently if that sub hadn’t spent the last 12 months prior purging “tankies”, we tried to stop the wrecker pressures that were occurring in threads but were unable to muster enough people because all the purging had made it considerably harder to get people to help rescue a space they saw as one that had purged them previously. It wasn’t really just “fed shit” though it was an op that involved some sort of financier cabal, we had direct evidence of canadian bankers running the spinoffs at the time but it’d take some time to dig up, the two that were caught faded into the woodwork when called on it but you can bet the power was still in their group. Whole thing was a disaster. A digital colour-revolution in action.

  • Anarchist presence on Mastodon has been fine.

    Mastodon is the kind of place I referred to in my previous comment.

    Having been here from the start and watched people leave,

    I don’t know who you’re talking about but Hexbear is more active today than it has ever been.

    it’s always been the overt sectarianism that gets cited. Hexbear is not a revolutionary movement, it is an internet forum, and while it started out as a space that wanted to specifically be an actual social space for leftists in general it has absolutely become an ML centric soace to the exclusion of pretty much any other tendency.

    It used to have a bigger problem with anti-trot sectarianism, far more than anarchism. Anti anarchist sentiment was always explicitly stamped on whereas anti-trot stuff was encouraged, we even have emotes left over from this time like pika-pickaxe. This changed however at some point and some of the only times I’ve been moderated is because I still make trot jokes. We have trots on the site now too so I’m not really being good to them when I do.

    a lot of anarchist reddit spaces have dealt with specifically ML wreckers trying to to gain control of subreddits for shits and giggles

    Which ones?