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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023


  • Baahb@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldThe Fediverse
    5 days ago

    I understand what you mean, having had to deal with SPF nonsense for a job back in the day. The SPF nonsense is what prevents selfhosting email, as you effectively point out yourself. If there were somehow a way to use federation to tackle that, it seems like it could be kinda cool.

  • The only issue I’ve complaimed about is people believing they have a right to inflict their beliefs on other people, which is what you are doing.

    Somehow, you think you are making a point that is maybe gonna convince folks to come back to church, but really, you’re just a prick. No one involved in this thread seems to think you have anything valid to say, and you aren’t doing yourself any favors in your stated goal of getting people to go to church.

    You’re just a judgmental sanctimonious asshole. As mentioned originally YOU need better CHRISTIANS. Start with yourself.

  • I think you’re making assumptions that aren’t fair but maybe aren’t obvious either. Honestly I’m only thinking about this because I just watched the contrapoints video on twilight, and so I’ll use her example, though she’s talking about a slightly different topic. Gonna paraphrase like a mofo:

    Weird Power dynamics between partners in a fantasy, like twilight, or say porn since we are being obvious here, is normal because self image often requires women to present one way while hiding their desires for sex. It’s absolution of a sort, and is ostensibly healthy to explore in this way. That said… Some examples such as race play in fantasies may dehumanize the “other” in super not cool ways and reinforce negative racial stereotypes.

    If we take that and extend it to pedophiles, normalization of the thought process leading to that sort of disfunction/disorder seems like a not great thing, but yeah, we’d need to study to learn more and that seems both difficult and likely undesirable for the researchers.

  • Baahb@lemmy.worldtoToday I Learned@lemmy.worldTIL North Koreans cannot go to Japan
    4 months ago

    I stand sorta corrected, I guess…

    Maybe worth noting propaganda and the truth aren’t mutually exclusive. Propaganda can and often is true; falsehood isn’t what makes it propaganda

    Not just Japan. When they need language teachers and translators, they just dock their subs close to the beach of the country, and kidnap anyone they found there.

    This is the comment I’m posting about.

    That Sounds Like Propaganda

    Let me further clarify: That sounds like a talking point pushed by someone who has a vested interest in convincing people that somehow NK is even worse than it actually is that has been picked up and repeated until it’s taken as fact. It does not matter how factual it actually is.

    And you know what, nobody needs to worry about being kidnapped by North Koreans in submarines.

    Get some reading comprehension.