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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • I’m guessing the whole unit got put in for them, and he was part of the unit, just not in an MOS (military occupational specialty) qualified to earn this particular combat badge. Someone didn’t look close enough and just rubber stamped it. Basically, it just slipped through the cracks… but he knows as he knew then he wasn’t in an MOS that could receive this award.

    The Combat Infantry Badge, as the article mentions, is only awarded to infantry and special forces soldiers that have seen combat as typically these units were the only ones that saw action. With Afghanistan and Iraq, we saw a new form of conflict where there wasn’t a specified frontline to the fighting and support rolls (such as the one he was in) often found themselves under fire. There was some push to award all soldiers that saw combat a CIB regardless of what job they held. The Army decided against doing this, but they did eventually create the Combat Action Badge (CAB) in 2005, which is similar to a CIB in that the recipient must be engaged in combat to earn it, but it is awarded to any MOS. He likely would have qualified for the CAB through his service, but I’m guessing it just wasn’t a thing when he served.

  • I lie to myself by saying, “I can stay awake for one more episode” before eventually falling asleep on the couch sometime in the next 10 minutes. Then, approximately 3-4 hours later, I’ll wake up, take my evening medications, brush my teeth, prepare for and then go to bed so I can lay there awake for the next hour or two trying to fall back asleep. Eventually, I’ll dose off and get a few more hours of sleep, although never achieving the quality or depth of sleep I obtain while passed out on the couch.

  • It certainly would be if he and his cronies believed these were legitimate charges, but instead, they like to live in make-believe land where this has all been a political stunt orchestrated by Biden to tarnish Trump’s good name prior to the upcoming election. It’s a witch hunt, a kangaroo court, made-up crimes just to label him a criminal, and so many more nonsensical mental gymnastics to twist reality into something that’s in line with their feels. Yes, he is now a convicted felon, but other than the label and an anticipated fine, I don’t think anything will change moving forward because of this.