Breath_Of_The_Snake [they/them, comrade/them]

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2024


  • I’ll Google the search recs and edit/ add a reply after. Edit: definitely 1c 2b. Need to search more stuff to figure that out.

    Curved might be the best description? I have Anglo hair but naturally curved towards the right of my body (from the POV of my eyes) for like 80-90 % hot my head)

    Current context: I basically have a very thick mullet. Like my hair is THICC, but it’s kinda wavy on the front and sides. Like the part is maybe 80 of the to the left my head form my perspective. The front on perspective naturally grows into a bowl cut type scenario. It curves to one side of the side of the face from that 20ish percent point

    The traditional Ivy League cuts are what most cis-masc websites recommend based on my face shape; but most hairdressers really focus on this from a masc perspective.

  • Was curious and looked into it a bit. Realistically, he probably just barely lived because nothing vital was hit and was nursed to health by another person who became a saint. In terms of religion and icon status he became am icon of divine protection and later youthful health who also was affiliated with the role of Apollo (which led to the youthful depictions and such later developed into what led to him becoming an icon [Wilde and Mishima were both fans, kinda wild].

    Tangent: He got arrested and used the prison environment to spread his beliefs. Within the context of early christians as a debt-forgiveness movement (Hudson) and genuinely being better on the issues of slavery and womens-rights than the rest of the Rome (historical fact, unless there was a pocket of the roman empire that was even better and I don’t know about), He could be seen as parallel to revolutionaries who use their imprisonment to radicalize and develop class-consciousness within fellow prisoners. Kinda the cool that a saint who did that for a religion is also a gay icon.

  • I think we mostly agree with DS being the only disagreement. I’ve never played a version of TLOU with acceptable performance, but I highly anticipate the day when an acceptable port/emulation of 2 arrives.

    The GoW reboots are cool in terms of ideas, I should give them another shot now that the hype has died down. I just wish it had more complex combat. I went from playing dmcV to to the reboot port though, so that might have biased me. I think the real issue I had was how so many mechanics are locked and I had to watch cutscenes written by poor writers to slowly unlock the stuff.

    Spider-Man coasts off the movement mechanics, they nailed that aspect. It’s like death stranding for the marvel brained, in that it has flashy but shallow movement that feels good while lacking depth or Ludo-narrative resonance.

    I still need to play bloodborne. Apparently the emulator is almost there.

    Are the ratchet games good? I loved the originals on ps2.

    Edit: oh, and horizon. “Is that a ledge? Maybe I should climb the ledge.” Just constant shallow puzzles and ubi design.