CascadeOfLight [he/him]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 13th, 2023


  • No, it was definitely straight up the US. Ignore any bullshit about yachts and Ukrainian divers.

    Here is the USS Kearsage - one of the only ships in the world with a moon pool that would allow divers to operate at the pipeline’s depth - leaving after “NATO exercises” in the area of the pipeline five days before it exploded

    Here is a USN Boeing P-8A Anti-Submarine plane - one of the only planes in the world that can generate a radio pulse capable of reaching to the depth of the pipeline - flying along the length of the pipeline almost exactly 24 hours before it exploded

    Here is President of the United States Joseph Robinette Biden, stating that the Nord Stream 2 project - which competes with US LNG sales to Europe - will not be allowed to continue; just out of frame is Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz, who offers no form of contradiction or rebuttal

  • Yes, I spoke in anger and I don’t really know that much about Makhno, I also don’t care because he’s an irrelevant footnote. The proletarian masses spoke, they chose who to give their energy and strength to and their choice was the Bolsheviks. Those Bolsheviks safeguarded the Soviet people against the capitalists literally turning out the bowels of hell upon them. Without the Red Army, the genocidal colonial expedition of Nazi Germany would have exterminated every single person between Ukraine and Siberia. And the Red Army was ONLY built through the absolutely tireless work of millions upon millions of workers building socialist industry under the guidance of the Communist Party. Communist Parties! Each region had its own branch! Each nation had its representation guaranteed! Soviet linguists helped invent alphabets for languages that had never been written down before, so they could record their oral histories and partake in the creation of culture on an equal basis with other nations! Truly the actions of a totalitarian dictatorship.

    Ah, but it’s much easier to talk about “authoritarians and libertarians” and read the opinions of a bunch of white westerners who know better, than read the words of the people who built socialism under constant siege from the world empire. Hypocritically (?), I’m not interested in reading anything you have to link because I’ve already passed through the phase of anarchism I had before stumbling across The State and Revolution. I’m pressed because I used to be you until I got schooled, and had the humility and intellectual honesty to actually try and learn more. So go and read Blackshirts and Reds, S&R, Losurdo’s Stalin, Vijay Prashad’s Red Star Over the Third World and Washington Bullets and then come back and tell me whether or not you followed my footsteps or just bounced off back into “western-left” arrogance.

  • “Totalitarian” is a totally made-up, meaningless distinction. There is no conceivable metric by which you could call any socialist state “totalitarian” that wouldn’t apply a hundredfold to the US Empire. Seriously, this conversation cannot continue unless you read Blackshirts and Reds, it sums up every point I could make to argue with you with much more depth and eloquence. If you have the slightest pretention to intellectual seriousness, go and read that. Then, once you have, message me and I’ll send you a link to season 3 of a podcast called Blowback, covering the Korean war. I think you’ll find it informative.

    I’ve taken a harsh tone with you, because you need to be jolted out of this fundamentally incorrect mindset. But if you read what I’ve suggested and actually process the information, if you try to understand the societies you harshly criticize in the depth and richness of their actual existence and not the literal Saturday morning cartoon evil version you’ve had ingrained in you by a multi-trillion dollar propaganda campaign, you’ll arrive at the same opinions I have now - including feeling the way I do about people espousing the views you have done. Until you understand that no “western” country has EVER come closer to socialism than the USSR, China, Cuba or the DPRK (or even had the merest potential to) you are not only useless to the international cause of the workers but an active detriment, a stooge of the Empire that is currently enslaving humanity. That might only manifest as irritating, trivial anticommunist memes on a backwater internet forum, but it still might as well be fought against, and if there’s the slightest chance you can be educated into a helpful comrade then I might as well try.

  • Ukraine Free Territory

    Literally bandit kingdom under an absolute leader

    Stalin vs Spanish Leftists

    The USSR was the only nation to provide any support to the Republic, and it was the anarchists that fucked up by being unable to organize any kind of national army and just letting the fascists roll up their ‘independent’ cities one by one. Saying “it was Stalin’s fault” is the anarchist stab-in-the-back myth.


    I’ve never heard of the ‘Manchurian communes’ and neither has wikipedia (which would never miss the chance to play up a supposed communist atrocity) and ah yes, that famous leftist tendency “intellectuals”. Not saying the Cultural Revolution was correct, but you also can’t just blame one person for it.

    Hungarian Worker’s Councils

    A fascist counterrevolution, Hungary was an Axis power and it was a mere eleven years after WW2 - for “”“worker’s councils”“” they sure lynched a lot of Jewish people! Read this.

    Futhermore, did even a single one of these leaders claim to support an abstract “left unity”? Lenin sure didn’t:

    “Unity is a great thing and a great slogan. But what the workers’ cause needs is the unity of Marxists, not unity between Marxists, and opponents and distorters of Marxism.”

    Nor did all the millions and millions of workers who supported each of these leaders. How unfathomably arrogant to think that the millions of committed revolutionaries that worked tirelessly to build socialism in these places were too fucking stupid to see they were working for the ‘wrong’ ideology, that they should have rejected their leadership organization and just slotted in your preferred coterie of “libertarian socialists & anarchists” and that would have simply solved all their murderous authoritarian ways. A nice horizontal, non-hierarchical, non-coercive network of free-organizing collectives would definitely have stood up in the face of the Wehrmacht, wouldn’t it!

    Now, ironically the “tankie” instances in this federation actually have rules about sectarianism so I wouldn’t post this on there, but I have no qualms saying it here (you can feel free to ban me though, if you want to indulge in the ultimate irony). So I can say that I am sectarian, because revolution is a problem that has a correct answer - there’s the answer that saved hundreds of millions of lives from fascism, and then there’s the ‘answer’ that lets online “”“leftists”“” living eighty years after the fact feel smugly superior to the people who actually fought and bled for a better world. Further reading on this matter:

    Edit: I was kinda pissed off when I wrote this so my dismissals of those points were definitely sloppy - though in hindsight with this guy “more nuance” would probably have been a waste - but I absolutely can’t tolerate such ignorant attacks against the projects that actually came the closest to human emancipation anywhere in history. Regardless, I don’t want any anarchist comrades to feel like I’m attacking them, and although I obviously believe MLism (and the collected work of its offshoot branches) is the best basis for the theory and practice of revolution, the good work of anarchist groups that were able to keep fighting in the imperial core when Marxist groups were stamped out can’t be ignored. If you punched a fascist then you’re a comrade of mine.

  • The argument for it being Israel:

    • Israel has complete air superiority
    • Israel is conducting a bombing campaign against Gaza
    • Israel has threatened to attack hospitals
    • Israel has previously bombed hospitals
    • Israel has previously bombed this exact hospital
    • The audio and visual characteristics of the bomb and the damage caused (captured by multiple, independent observers) match with a JDAM guided bomb, which Israel has already used
    • Israeli sources first claimed the hospital was a Hamas base or had Hamas tunnels or arms caches, before rapidly rolling back their position to “we didn’t do it”
    • It is clearly in Israel’s interest to kill Palestinians and destroy Palestinian infrastructure, especially medical services and supplies, because they are conducting a genocide

    The argument for it being Hamas:

    • Israel says it was

    Reddit, or rather reddit-logo, is controlled by the US security state, so r/combatfootage - which banned all combat footage from Palestinian viewpoints - is not a reliable source. The idea that a ‘rocket piece’ could accidentally fall on a hospital and kill 500 people (a number reported by a first-hand MSF witness) is laughably absurd. If a Hamas rocket could cause this kind of damage, Tel Aviv would look like the surface of the fucking moon. It was OBVIOUSLY another genocidal act by the entity continuously and overtly engaged in genocidal acts. To think otherwise requires you to want to fall for their propaganda. No one in full possession of their faculties looking at the facts dispassionately could possibly conclude it was anything else.