• 71 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • Yes, Linux OS are usually lighter on hardware. But if we’re talking about gaming and other heavy applications usually have the same hardware requirements.

    Windows Defender, update checker and other system services on Windows do tank performance by a few percent as shown by those “debloated” Windows images.

    But DXVK also usually reduces performance by 5-15%, even more so for VKD3D. This outweighs the performance gains of less background services. Not to mention I’m (and I guess most people are) running apps like Discord, Spotify and Firefox in the background.

    There’re games running better on DXVK than native D3D, but that’s usually because they are using an older graphics API that isn’t optimized on newer GPUs. Both GTA IV and Sims 3 use DirectX 9. Interestingly, running older titles om Windows with DXVK also results in performance gains.

    I certainly didnt notice any difference […]

    Me neither, except for a few games where my hardware was already struggling. Without direct comparisons I’d say a 10% performance overhead is negligeble too.

  • They likely don’t play Valorant, Fortnite, Roblox, Rainbox Six Siege, Destiny or League of Legends.

    Basically all of my games run well on Linux, but I wouldn’t dare say they run better on Linux than Windows. Some do, e.g. Minecraft, but almost all other games have at least a bit lower FPS.

    If games build for Windows in general ran better on Linux it’d be pretty surprising, given the amount of investment into Windows gaming there’s from many more big corporations than we have on Linux.

    Linux gaming is better than ever, but there’s enough people expecting too much and going back to Windows because of Linux gaming shilling.

  • Torrents are based on the idea that everyone using them pays for it with their bandwidth and hardware cost. Except for those leechers who don’t share.

    I’m paying more for my seedbox than for my usenet subscription. If I used my own hardware I’d pay with stress on my hardware, e.g. the disks aging and failing earlier because of seeding. The power consumption is also not negligeble, altough the server is also used for other purposes.

    With private trackers this idea of an equal exchange is more obvious because of ratio requirements.

    Edit: I’d say it’s similar to open source in that no single individual has to pay for it, but someone does have to, for it to exist. Most often with their (valuable) time and knowledge. If no one helps out and does their part (through money or time+knowledge), a project won’t survive for long. Same is true for torrents.

  • You’re right, my apologies for confidently spreading misinformation and thank you for pointing it out. Material You colors are available on LineageOS and GrapheneOS, probably CalyxOS too.

    With Android 12 GrapheneOS and CalyxOS choosing different colors was not possible, maybe because they didn’t implement something at first, but with 13+ Material You works as intended.

    I’ve edited my parent comment accordingly.

  • Google has always been able to remove installed apps remotely, although I believe they only use it for malicious apps, not for apps that simply get removed from the Play Store.

    But I’ve also been mislead by the headline.

    Clickbait makes me appreciate my preferred small tech news outlet, which has been doing serious journalism without sensationalism for over 25 years. The authors even interact in their forum, which is still active because of how the site actually cares about the community.

    My mental list of sites I try to avoid is longer than the list of actually good sites. Sadly those thrash sites get pushed up in rankings of Google News and similar aggregators because clickbait clicks well.

  • It’s important to note that Android ≠ AOSP (Android Open Source Project). Most of the actually interesting features advertised in a new Android release won’t be available to you if your not installing Google Services.

    E.g. heavily advertised features like Android 12’s “Material You” adaptive themes aren’t even available on AOSP and thus GrapheneOS, CalyxOS or LineageOS.

    New privacy features often already existed for years on custom ROMs like LineageOS.

    This is why since around Android 10 I’m not even following new Android releases, at least not beyond reading glancing over an article. I didn’t even notice my phone updated to from 12 to 13 (GrapheneOS) until I noticed the new background apps menu, which is pretty much all of the changes.

    Edit: Being able to set a language per app is a great feature of Android 13.

    Edit 2: As pointed out in comments below, my Material You example was wrong.

    A better example are heavily advertised translation and image editing features, which are sometimes locked to Pixel and definitely locked to installs with Google Services. Same is true for apps like “Digital Wellbeing”, which don’t work on AOSP but its features are advertised as Android features.

    Android updates are even more uninteresting if your using a custom ROM, because most features won’t even be available in open source Android.

  • It doesn’t seem like there’s much ongoing work on suyu, which isn’t surprising since emulators are difficult to develop. Not many people have the necessary knowledge and are willing to work for free.

    So yes, suyu is there for people who need it for it’s performance, but it seems likely that Ryunjinx continues to improve while suyu won’t change much in terms of performance and compatibility.

    It’s great for the games that are already running well though, especially on low end hardware like the Steam Deck.