Chronicon [they/them]

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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: May 10th, 2024


  • I just feel like an impostor and am not sufficiently social to pull it off (like I will just sit and not strike up a conversation with anyone all night if left to my own devices and nobody will strike one up with me) so not really any more. I just don’t fit. I like the grungy older gay bar vibe but there’s still no point if I’m just going to sit at the bar and drink and maybe look at my phone. Plus at this point I don’t even really relate to gay guys that much. I related to closeted gay guys a lot more when I was younger, cause I was one sorta almost.

    I’ll go with queer friends, very occasionally. The person from my friend group who wanted to go the most in the past was a cishet woman though, which always made me slightly uncomfy/feel even more like an imposter (showing up with 2 of my straightest friends, a het couple… not good), so going with friends is also a minefield.

    I like the shithole bar vibe for some reason and keep going to these fucking shitty dives full of old alcoholics, but I never learn anything, I just get drunk and the social paralysis never really goes away. I’ll talk to someone if they approach me, but it usually just peters out or is the absolute worst most horrible convo from said old alcoholics. Once in a very long while I think someone is hitting on me but I usually don’t realize until after.

    And that’s all re: bars for the most part. clubs are twice as foreign. I missed that part of socialization in HS/college and I don’t think I’ll ever get it.

    CW self hate

    I would probably do better at bars if I was out and proud and didn’t hate myself and my body. But idk what that would even look like for me and my social anxiety would probably still make it suck.

  • yeah I was on the edge of buying those the other week ngl. thanks for the rec, very few reviews sounded like they were actually being used for humans so I backed out.

    It’s kinda degrading to have to buy animal syringes, but less so than asking a pharmacist in person. I think everything is degrading these days though. I didn’t buy a safety razor that I wanted the other day because the entire shaving aisle was locked in cabinets and it was late and I just couldn’t bring myself to go pester an employee at closing time, it just is so demoralizing. I don’t know what I’ll do when fucking groceries start getting locked behind glass, perish I guess