One of them Carpenter nerd types.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023

  • Mostly random indie titles, such as nova drift, rollscape, and peglin.

    Nova drift and peglin both recently came out of early access, both are rogue lite games that offer unique scenarios each time you play, one is a top down shmup with loads of customizations and interesting builds to try out, the other being a bit of a deck builder with interesting setups to keep the ball bouncing.

    Rollscape is a relaxing random number generator with some decision making guesses along to the way to attempt to get further. It’s way too random to be truly skill based, but knowing more of the game does diminish a bit of the random.

    On mobile it has been egg, inc. and idle cave miner.

    Egg, inc. used to be a very player friendly idle incremental game that offered years of play time in a very relaxed setting. It didn’t require spending money on it unless you really wanted to speed things up… Until a bit ago when they took away one mission a week, which was the catch up mission players kind of need to progress and locked it behind a subscription service. I’m still playing because as much as I don’t appreciate that change, I’ve been playing long enough that I don’t need the catch up mission. I still don’t suggest it for new players though.

    Idle Cave Miner is a basic incremental idle game, you set your little dudes to mine a cave and see how deep they can get. It does have a bunch of micro transactions, including premium characters that probably mine harder than the rest. I don’t really care about that though. Spending money really isn’t needed on this one, but since it’s a single dev and I’d rather not deal with ads, I’m happy to toss a few bucks to remove those and help out.

    Otherwise, I’ve been enjoying helldivers 2 every couple days to keep the medals rolling in, and the samples collected. The latest patch has been quite game changing. It’s nice to have more options to handle the opponents, but I finally had to change armors as my paper thin light armor wasn’t doing the job it had been from previous versions of the game

  • I tried to split my list genres so there’d be a bit of everything, but I definitely agree with most of yours. My only gripe is trigun.

    I understand how they took the source material and completely warped it to attempt to fit a new story and give it a whole new life of its own, and minute to minute the show is fine, it’s when you look at the whole story being told at once that things start falling apart and giant plot holes start showing up. Particularly in the first half of the season. The makers wanted a spectacle more than anything else and they delivered on that.

  • Sleeping earlier should help, if the issue is falling asleep earlier, consider light exercise a couple hours before trying to sleep. I’m personally not a big fan of medicated sleep assist, but some people may need it.

    I used to be a very deep sleeper. The things that helped me wake up on time were making sure I was tired enough at the end of each day to sleep soundly, and getting up at the same time daily. I usually wake up a bit before my alarm goes off these days.

  • Sorry if any of that was insulting, it wasn’t meant that way it’s just that a relatively small regional business being as high on the list as it is quite an outlier. The international mega corporations should be able to use their resources to gain collective bargaining agreements for their employees benefit packages. job opportunities, etc. that should at the very least rival that of what a company making significantly less annually can manage.

    Comparing the profit of In-N-Out in 2023 (545mil) to the profit of on the giants like Microsoft (72.7bil)… it just doesn’t make sense that a company profiting that much more with ‘only’ 5x more workers can’t even breach the top 10 of the listing. That’s the dystopian part of this. At least Google was in the top 10, but the ratio there is even worse.

  • The thing that shocked me is that a regional burger joint is out performing the worlds most influential, giant corporations that basically rule over nearly every aspect of our daily lives in many ways. The dystopia here is not that burger flipping shouldn’t pay a living wage, it’s that if you can get the benefits In-N-Out gives as a relatively small regional burger joint… gosh those giant bloated corporations sure are dystopian.

  • Take a step back and realize it the other way around. A burger chain is the SECOND BEST EMPLOYER by study of 400 companies, likely including many of the fortune 500. The issue isn’t that it’s a burger place, that in and of itself really shows how dystopian how the rest of the pool is. It’s not in spite of In-N-Out, it’s In-N-Out showing what employment should mean. If a burger chain can do it… why can’t… everyone?