CrookedSerpent [she/her]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 22nd, 2020


  • I can only speak from the experiences of a binary trans women, which you very may well not be, but the only qualifier of what makes you trans is that you want to be, and what that even looks like depends entirely on the individual. Here’s the thing though, the ONLY way you can find out what that potential future looks like for you, and if you want it, is to live it, not just within your own mind but in broader society. You need to get out and show the world (however small a portion of this world as it takes for you, but it can’t just be yourself) the gender presentation that makes you feel the most like you. If you don’t know what that looks like, just try something anything other than what your doing, and yes, it will be scary, embarrassing, and emotional, you may not get it right the first time, I certainly didn’t, but doing this could be the most important thing you ever do, don’t let the opportunity to live the rest of your life as yourself slip away, you DESERVE it.

  • Getting back to weight training for the first time in 5 years. Just had an absolute DEMON leg workout and it felt amazing (pure suffering), my ass is NOT walking right tomorow. When i first started transitioning I was so terrified of even touching a weight becasue i wanted to pass so bad, despite being an advanced lifter who genuinley loved (and still do love) the proccess of resistance training; but a couple years living as a stealther, 3 ish years of HRT working its magic, and having bottom surgery has gotten my mental to a point where im confidant enough to go back to lifiting heavy and fighting my demons in the gym and it feels great. I was SHOCKED at how much weaker I was too, obviously, I knew that i would be weaker after years on HRT and out of the gym, but WOW I used to be able to pull 405 deadlifts at the same body weight I am now, but earlier today I was doing working sets with 135. I guess I dont have it in me (yet) to be the trans super althete all the right wingers told me i would become sadness I’ll have to work on it, lol.

  • TSA and borderline SA discussion

    I fly more often then I should, and ever since I transitioned, my genitals have been publicly groped after setting off the stupid fucking gender detector on the scanning machine, every single time. It’s not a coincidence, it happened 100% of the times I’ve flown in the past 3 years and I have no doubt it will continue to. Its so fucking degrading to have a TSA wannabe piggie touch your junk (they really gotta make sure it’s there) then give you a weird look when they feel it. LIKE IM THE WEIRDO WHEN YOUR THE ONE FEELING UP MY COCK YOU FREAK FUCK LADY. Anywyas, death to the TSA :D

  • HRT talk :D

    I switched to sublingual a few weeks ago after doing oral for about a year and a half (after 2 years of sub-q Injections which I stopped after my bottom surgery since injecting myself was pretty anxiety inducing and I didn’t need to suppress T production anymore); and WOW this feels so much better. I guess I didn’t notice how much “less good” I felt on oral than injections since it was a slow change and it wasn’t horrible or anything. My libido is back way up to where it was on injections (I had assumed that was just unrelated changes in libido, but apparently not), my skin feels extra soft, and most crazy of all, after almost 4 years of hrt, MY BOOBS ARE TENDER AGAIN!! Like I thought I was done and doomed to zero boob gang years ago, but apparently there is hope :D

  • Life as a stealther

    Just had a whole ass (relatively civil) argument with my coworker about trans politics (and trans kids specifically). Had to do a lot of educating and explaining, but I love and am experienced in live debate, so I was having fun and doing well, maybe changed his mind on a few things if I was lucky. At the end of our shift, I drop a final point and refer to trans people as “us” (including myself) and my coworker gets the reddest, most br*tish, face you’ve ever seen, hahaha. One of the most fun things about being stealth is that you can just carpet bomb the preconseved notions people have about you and about trans people at any time, and I always love to take that opportunity (when I feel safe to do so); I’m lucky enough to have that choice, so I feel an obligation to be visiblely trans when I can and represent us, you know?