DaGeek247 of https://dageek247.com

  • 8 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024


  • So you’re saying that using a desktop shortcut makes an app inherently less buggy? wtf

    Obviously not. Now i’m wondering if you’re fucking with me. Running a program through the console lets you see the debug log it spits out when it fails to run.

    So in your mind I’m going to google a list of 10 random weird issues?

    No, but I was hoping you’d put in a little more effort before jumping straight to conclusions.

    That was a choice, an easily fixed one, and everyone’s definition of “basic apps” will vary a bit so this was a stretch to list as a “problem”.

    Can’t say i disagree, but i’m not in the habit of invalidating other people’s gripes because i think theyre kinda petty either.

    Well firstly, I tend to have a lot more weird issues than others. Secondly, I’ve tried a few different distros on two different graphics cards. And thirdly, I’ve been dealing with hardware and software issues for 25 years so when someone comes in hot like that with a bunch of rare issues/non-issues/issues I’ve never heard of, I tend to think that at best they are exaggerating because they are mad about something. And no, I don’t assume everyone has the same experience.

    I’ve got less experience than that, having started 15 years ago instead of 25. Clearly that makes your opinion inherently better than mine. /s

    This list of problems was a direct answer to someone asking for a list of problems. Sometimes, people just need to vent about their favorite thing. No need to get onto them for it.

  • Launching a program from cli is a basic first troubleshooting step, davinci resolve being such a big program means a bug will happen at some point.

    Fat being a removed to deal with is old news.

    Flatpack password prompt problem was easily verified with google. So was popos missing a paint application by default. Same with rocky 9 kernal paremeters being changed in grub.

    Ignoring the part of this where the context makes no sense for a satire post, why would you assume your experience, being a positive one, would be the same as everyone else?

  • Both. How quickly a server can send a webpage with images (even if they’re small) is directly proportional to the storage mediums seeks times. The worse the seek times, the less ‘responsive’ a website feels. Hard drives are a terrible location to keep your metadata.

    The server scan will search for the files, look them up and grab metadata, and then store that metadata in the metadata location. If your metadata location is the same spot as your movie, it will cause some major thrashing, and will significantly increase the scan time for jellyfin. Essentially, it gets bogged down trying to read and write lots of tiny files on the same drive, the absolute worst case scenario for a hard drive to have.

    If the movies are on a hard drive, and the metadata on an ssd (or even just a different hard drive) the pipeline will be a lot less problematic.