Professional audio engineer, specialized in DSP and audio programming. I love digital synths and European renaissance music. I also speak several languages, hit me up if you’re into any of that!

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023

  • That doesn’t mean we need to discuss it everywhere, all the time. For starters, not everyone is American and wants to see American centric discussions everywhere, and also, not all discussions everywhere need to start revolving around modern politics. Creating apolitical spaces doesn’t mean being an apolitical individual. Just wanting to look for more peaceful alternatives.

    I’m perfectly fine with being called worthless if you can’t see the logic behind that, I legitimately don’t give a shit as long as I can get a break from the insane and miserable shit throwing that is online political discourse.

    If you like feeling miserable and angry every time you go online, great for you, but I’d much rather have an option not to do that.

  • Basically: Japan has tried to get rid of Kanji for convenience several times since the mid-19th Century. However, the first attempts which were mainly supported by the idea that regular civilians had low kanji literacy, amounted to nothing as kanji literacy among regular Japanese civilians was higher than expected.

    For a while in the 20th century the 常用漢字 was actually named 当用漢字 or “provisional kanji list” as there was yet another push for education reforms that would gradually diminish kanji use. This was especially poignant before the arrival of personal computers, as there were no convenient input methods for kanji with typewriters.

    But this was halted, once again, as personal computers provided a convenient and easy way for typing Kanji. Which meant that there was no real need to stop using it.

    Ultimately, Japan hasn’t abandoned Kanji because it hasn’t been necessary. Most people already know how to read it, and it provides easier access and understanding of their historical texts.

    Personally, I also think Kanji provides several advantages, such as an immediate understanding of vocabulary based solely on its kanji, or the ability to transmit more information in fewer characters.

  • I was already using the official Reddit app, and I own being dumb as a brick.

    But I still decided to leave because of the IPO, which will unavoidably make the site cater more and more to a mainstream audience until it eventually turns to shit. I call it the Instagramification of all social media.

    That’s why I joined and now I’m thoroughly enjoying it here.

  • Wait… Rush is right wing? Like… the prog rock band? I never knew their music was super political to begin with.

    Edit: it wasn’t the rock band. It was something worse :c

    Anyway! As a guy who has seen some friends fall down that rabbit hole, unfortunately you can’t reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into. A lot of the time those extreme and radical positions are a reaction to a skewed perception of reality. Perhaps he feels his wife wronged him and is projecting that pain onto other people (women in this case), or perhaps the reason his wife divorced him is because he’s so committed to his misogynist beliefs, he would rather let his marriage go down the drain.

    In any case, he probably feels the need to always reaffirm his worldview because the alternative (that he can improve as a person and that his personal shortcomings can only be blamed on himself) is probably too painful to face.

    Very frequently, these people probably need to build a safety net, a support group, and go to therapy, but they’re so off the deep end, it’s too hard to take any of those steps, so it becomes a vicious circle of blaming others because they’re alone, and staying alone because they always blame others.

    The best thing that can happen to any of these people is an experience that fundamentally shakes their reality. Getting into Buddhism, or moving to a different country, or going back to college, basically anything that changes their status quo, because their status quo has been inherently built and curated around their own beliefs and worldview. They can’t leave it now.

    If you want to help him, you have to find a way to disrupt his status quo and perhaps hope that leads him down a more positive path, but unfortunately, once someone has started buying into heavy incel theory, they feel more comfortable staying there than looking beyond their own noses. I’m not sure you could do much for him. I’m sure deep inside he knows blaming women for his own faults is stupid, but he also refuses to blame himself, so… someone like that won’t be likely to improve. Ever.

  • There are a few key things that you’d notice between high quality and very low quality audio. Mostly, a loss of information, which would result in a muffled audio, a lack of crispy sounds and a loss of general clarity, as well as unpleasant distortion and other made-up noise at worst.

    For 99.9% of people, it’s not really an mp3 vs wav/aiff comparison, but rather a kbps comparison. High quality mp3 (320kbps) is usually indistinguishable from lossless formats for most people.

    For a good reasonable idea, compare 128kbps vs 320kbps at the bottom of this page and pay attention to the cymbals and other high-pitched sounds. You should notice that 128kbps sounds a bit more opaque, like it loses a lot of its spark, whereas 320 sounds crisp and clearer.

    That being said, it’s not a huge difference unless you go below 128, and there’s no point in listening to wav and lossless files if you use Bluetooth, since Bluetooth hard-caps all your rates at 320kbps anyway. But I think it’s fairly noticeable anyway.