Ah yes, turnwise and widdershins.
Ah yes, turnwise and widdershins.
“Its easy, right. Just …”
I also like Tech ingredients, thought emporium. Though more on the practical here’s what I did rather than informational/educational
On some cars that empty space where the clutch would be is the handbrake
Its pretty good, for most people there isn’t anything missing
Actions can’t be triggered by workflow dispatch
Pull requests can’t wait for status checks
That cover image looks a total mess, AI generated?
To be fair, the title says more apps, not all apps…
If it wAs cOmFoRtAbLe bEiNg uNemPloYeD nObOdy woUlD WoRK!
I WoRk WhEn I’m SiCK, Why CaNt thE dIsAbLed WoRk tOO?
KaReN dOwn ThE roAd bRoKe hEr tOe, aND sHE sTiLl wEnT to WoRK!
Under the dock?
Its peg where I live 🤷
Self hosting what?
In general
I see this every time I go to a public bathroom. I fucking hate people for it