• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • US defaultism detected on Lemmic soil, lethal force engaged.

    I find diplomacy hard when one side has been going for complete annihilation of Palestinians, which is only a logical continuation of a 3/4 century long conflict.

    And that one side includes almost every governemnt, including the Palestinian “governemnt”.

    But sure, diplomacy’s great, if they stopped attacking tommorow, retreated, and said they want to negotiate, and somehow had sufficient evidence to prove that it isn’t a trick, and that they reflected and regretted half a century of genocide in 1 day, I would advocate for their diplomatic attempt.

    Random rant of the day: A few months ago I read an article that said: “after Hamas killed thousands of civilians on the 6th of October”; at the time Israel was doing its thing for at least a week and their ‘reported’ kill count wasn’t even a thousand yet, I hate these liars.

  • Ok, I see your point.

    How about sending trained soldiers and cooperating with Hamas?

    Or more easily, stopping trade with Israel?

    Or more easily and more profitably, stopping weapon donations to Israel at the very least?

    I am not speaking to you personally, but if people stop talking about things they become forgotten, so here I am speaking.

  • Note: I put much effort into writing this, and would really appreciate you reading it, as it sheds light onto a rarely discussed point of view.

    It’s certainly an interesting question, what’s their end goal? I didn’t ask that question because “Fighting the occupying force” seems like an obvious thing to do.

    It’s hard to say “To destroy Israel” because it’s already a country that exists, but then again, Palestine was a country that existed too, and Israel more or less… killed everyone and deleted the country, so IT IS possible to destroy a country that exists and replace it.

    I think the mid-to-long-term goals are (or at least, these would be my goals if I led Hamas):

    a) Stop treating the Palestinians as human animals.

    So stop the economical siege.

    So stop the actual wall-based siege.

    So stop using noise-planes 24/7 to break the population mentally.

    b) stop mass immigration to Israel.

    c) Give them a governemnt that actually seeks the interests of the population instead of US planted puppets (and while we’re at it can we do the same for the rest of the Arab nations, living under a diatatorship is painful)

    Edit: d) free the Palestinian people being unjustly imprisoned and inhumanly (and internationally illegally) tortured in Israeli prisons.

    e) Make Jerusalem at-least a neutral area

    this is almost impossible to achieve in my opinion as both sides want to have the entirety of it for themselves for religious purposes.

    Now with that out of the way let’s speak religion, regrading the ethnic cleaning part, Muslim war rules (a very good paper) allign with general moral codes, and was a pioneer of proper human rights during war, something which is missing in a practical sense even today, and throughout history you can see them being respected during the Islamic “openings” (or conquests), as Islam - as the name in Arabic implies - is a religion of peace, and we shouldn’t make wars unless necessary, and we’re limited in what we can do, and I can boil the war rules down to:

    1 - Don’t kill the old, the women, and children.

    2 - Don’t kill people who dedicate their lives to worshipping (hermits)

    3 - No betrayal, if you come with the enemy to an agreement you have to respect it.

    4 - Don’t cause unnecessary destruction to infetructure as much as possible, and try the preserve the hard work of humanity (don’t destroy for the sake of destruction)

    5 - proper treatment of prisoners (See my last reply on prisoner tratement)

    6 - No looting and no cutting dead bodies as a form of humiliation. (mutilating and disgracing is banned)

    I am not and do not pretend to know much about Judaism, but I heard Natenyahu and Jewish religion men say things which boil down to “In war there is no mercy, spare no woman, no man, no child, don’t leave any living thing not even donkeys” (this is not a quote, and I’m willing to hear a reply from someone who knows more about Judaism), I also heard a few quotes from the Torah.

    During the months this war took place in we observed both sides following the rules of their religion, and as for the supposed “Raping and beheading of children” that happened on the 7th of October, it doesn’t seem to allign with what Hamas did past that day nor with Islam*, and what Israel did pre and post the 7th of October alligns with their religion; some actions just scream: “we are the choosen population”.

    I am personally of the opinion that religion doesn’t fit under the term ‘Racism’, as it’s a choice done by a person to believe in, and do certain things, even if many just treat their religion as something inhereted from their parents. Religion in the latter group is - in my opinion - the only form of religion that could fall under the word ‘Racism’, and even then it still has an effect on people, even if minor. (I think that Israel falls in the first group though)

    Disclaimer: I do not support any form of mistreatment or prejudice against any individual person based on religion, as for most people - as I have said - it is just something on their ID card, because most don’t seem to care about the possibility of spending an eternity in hell for some reason.

    *: It is either Israeli lies (most probable) or an insane few pretending to work for the cause who sneaked into Hamas’ ranks and do not reflect the group as a whole (least probable).

  • I mean the Palestinian resistance still has the “Give our prisoners back, and we give your prisoners back” deal, and if they really wanted to kill Israel then they wouldn’t treat prisoners that well, as they’re worth the same as long as they’re alive.

    I wouldn’t say the same for Israel though, as it thinks they treat Jewsish prisoners the same way they treat people in their prisons, for example a 15-year-old Palestinian spent 8 years of his life in prison (7 at age of imprisonment) and didn’t get medical care for his broken arm until after he got release in the prisoner exchange deal.

    who do you think wants to kill the other?

  • Israel highly encourages immigration of Jews to it from all over the world.

    The Palestinian population in Gaza was under economical (siege?*) for years.

    Israeli solders would regularly attack and kill Palestinian civilians.

    Israel had a pilot-less plane that would fly in Gaza 24/7, which would cause annoying noise - a form of torture used in guantanamo - and when their fuel ran out they would suicide-crash on civilians.

    The “Democratic Governemnt” the US/partners gave Palestine is nothing more than a means to control them, and when people in the west bank protested to support Gaza the police force arrested protestors and used violence**, and the Palestinian governemnt claims to have “30,000 soldiers with 30,000 rifles”, but they’re nowhere to be found when half the country’s in ruins, yet they complain that Hamas didn’t plan the 7th of October with them, preferring to obtain their rights through begging in the UN***. (not like it ever worked, as they’re all Israel fanboys as we’ve seen these last few months)

    I am not done yet with the governemnt, do you know that Abu Mazin (The Palestinian president) had a meeting with Joe Biden during the war (And asked how his day went and wether he slept well BTW), when the US was clearly supplying the weapons that destroyed half of Palestine; Imagine if Zeliniski (Ukraine’s president) met Putin and treated him like that during the war? what would your reaction to that be?

    Do you think they just took their land and left them to live in peace?

    *I think that’s the right word.

    **Further evidence the government’s just a puppet

    ***To quote the Abu Mazin: “If you had a dog, wouldn’t you protect it?”

  • I understand you, but I felt deep emotion seeing a 640x480 scene of a sprite (kidnapped female slave) punching another sprite and using some edgy language. Yes, it did require me to stop for a minute to imagine everything for it to hit this deep - which the game’s turn based mechanics helped me with.

    I also feel the less detailed something is, the more HORRIFYING and VIOLENT it appears, as it stimulates imagination much more than HD scenes in games and movies, where most of the times that won’t be able to create something more SHOCKING that what you imagined (The modern +13 goal in games and movies plays a role too, so there might be bias)

    There was a pirated TV channel that specialized - mostly - in horror movies, it had horrible audio and video quality - especially the bitrate, everything that appeared on the channel was horrifying, the lack of clearness induced a feeling similar to fearing the dark, the low bitrate in particular meant that you - the viewer - was practically blind in every fast scene, which dramatically increased the suspense.

    You might tell me to just go read a book if I want to use my imagination, and actually that’s a pretty nice suggestion.

    PS: the game in the first paragraph is the first Fallout if anyone’s wondering. I also barely heard of Ghost of Tsushima (or most modern games outside of FF7R)