FanonFan [comrade/them, any]

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 10th, 2023


  • I mean, a person’s senses aren’t supposed to be infallible, but I see no utility in elevating baseless conjecture above them. The “brain in a vat” problem is fun and all but it’s based on zero positive evidence, just a lack of negative evidence. On the other hand the senses are giving us continuous and reproducible and interactible information about the world around us, which despite its inherent subjectivity can be communicated with other people’s perspectives to approach and approximate an objective understanding of things.

    Now when you start shifting from abstract to concrete epistemology, things like symbols and language games and power structures and ideology become important facets to examine. What filters and tensions are influencing a person’s perspective? What mechanisms might be elevating or silencing their perspective socially?

    We can and should be skeptical of our senses, but in a productive or dialectical manner, testing them against reality and other perspectives in efforts to approach a more concrete understanding.

  • Selfishness may have been selected for tens of millions of years ago in our evolution, but as pre-humans became social animals it’s clear that selfless or other-centric thinking became strongly selected for as well. You otherwise couldn’t have a species that’s almost entirely other-dependent, throughout the whole life but especially for the first 10-15 years of it.

    Humans can’t sustainably exist outside of a society.

  • In the process of deconstructing work “ethics” and capitalist “productivity”, it’s important to replace it with something more meaningful than individualism or hedonism. While it’s fine to do nothing, fine to do things you enjoy regardless of whether they make profit for someone else, it’s also good to do things that better yourself, others, and society (even if that concept has been co-opted and corrupted by the profit motive). I see too many people “escape” the rat race either by finding people to exploit or sinking into escapism like [more than a reasonable amount of] video games or drugs or whatnot.