Grebgreb [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2020


  • I’ve been successfully avoiding a lot of junk food since I first got added to the roll call but I still haven’t cut it out completely which idk how to really do. The last time the weather was good I went running again and kept pace, with how hot it’s getting I don’t think I’ll be able to do it consistently though unfortunately. I have that picture on my phone so I won’t need to worry about finding some app though. I’ve been keeping good progress with music and I’m a bit closer to finishing some things I started months ago. I’ve been shifting between content with progress but disappointed that I didn’t do more.

    I also need to focus on sleep more because I’ve been very tired during a few points in the day for a month or so.

  • I missed a reply last week but I actually went running twice this week. I downloaded an app for couch to 5k but I need to get a better one. Doing the alternate run/walking thing helped a lot and I could easily do it for almost an hour. In general I’ve been managing to avoid cookies in shit but sometimes I just end up drinking sugary stuff. I’ve been keeping good pace with music but I got sidetracked instead of finishing anything. I think I might get a new toy which might refuel my motivation for a bit. I have to remember to refrain from overdoing it to the point of injury or burnout though.