I searched for life advice in 30s on youtube and all the videos recommended to me after I watched two videos were about “life changing experience” to “Things to do before turning 30” Videos and still recommended to me.
I think it is because people search for the current issue and suddenly you get tons and tons of relevant videos recommended and they don’t go away.
It works the other way to though, if you suddenly start watching fitness videos suddenly all you do is watch fitness videos and believe me from there it ain’t far to the protein, carb etc. videos and then it starts mixing up your previous searches “depression” with “fitness” and you landed by the wonderful Tate.
Which is why my video feed is screwed up in an interesting way and my brain doesn’t know if it is fine or not. I have Starcraft Videos popping up next to Asmongold, ThatWasEpic, MarkManson and mixed in with random nonames how they got no friends and struggle in life and the next video is someone who tells me to go to the gym at 5 in the morning because thats what machines do.
I think these feeds can make people feel certain ways and if you are feeling bad you are most likely gonna watch something that is about feeling depressed.
I am not from USA but in my opinion it would be better to have money in emergency… but thats just my opinion.