• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • What’s wrong with smaller cities, with more evenly distributed population across countries, with density lowering as you move from the center? Reduces city impact, still promotes dense urbanization and reduces transportation costs if there is something being produces around the city. Also left to nature is a bit impossible in today’s world and promotes detachment from feeling like part of nature for most people. Most of Europe and north America is riddled with invasive species or just have been devastated by agriculture or deforestation in the last centuries and if managed correctly which can mean leave it alone humans can have a positive impact on the world. If you could create forests in the desert with plants from around it, wouldn’t that be positive?

  • You are right it’s kind of exactly what I was looking for, I will look further into that, thank you! As for XR I’ll push forward trying to build connections and meeting like minded individuals who might even be interested in adjacent stuff like what you mentioned.

    I’m just afraid that it’s all destruction and PR stunts. I believe in demonstrations, up to a certain point. I just feel like they accomplish too little when they are generic. I read somewhere that XR UK was very poorly seen by general population which is a shame because a few years ago they weren’t (at least so much).

    I’m afraid that the regular person is going over the hill of being concerned with the planet and just gets annoyed by road blocks and demonstrations fronted by young people to pretend throw paint at art and just give up. Because those people that are affected feel like there is little they can do about the big parts of it. I know the argument of union strikes civil rights protests but I feel like the public opinion is not going in the right direction.

    In the end I feel that if there is going to be any hope of moving the needle of the big issues regular people need feel included and like it’s their cause too.

  • Don’t know why I’m commenting this on a Linux thread but I would like to invite you to read a bit more about socialism, what communism is and why in way shape or form was ever attempted. A true communist society would require a lot of thing that are simply not possible without a massive shift in culture, society and relations to power and globalization. Any communism you are thinking about is mostly marketing communism by the the “communist” countries themselves that started basically as a primitive form of revolution and got stuck in the phase after it in which basically created a authoritarian regime that didn’t even attempt to be true communism. Noam Chomsky has a very cool video speaking about leninism which he goes into detail. Don’t fall on me for the comment it was just an invite

  • I agree with the aspect of losing human connection which I think is the greatest downside. Did you ever considered sharing your space with a friend or someone you know that’s also a remote worker to provide at least a source of companionship? I’m not saying daily but weekly or biweekly. I do that with my brother and sometimes friends and it helps a lot. And it creates a kinda of community even though we work for different companies.

  • Very interesting. I agree with you. Internet search as become basically a major SEO fight between any website covering a topic, terrible lists that are basically information compilation by some author on a topic he didn’t investigate very much and sites making the content very simple to create snippets for Google.

    Reddit did manage to handle the issue but was very dependent on the moderators so it depends on the subreddit but since the API changes I just consider Reddit a bot website from now on.

    I think the fediverse may win back the Internet but it will take some time. Given the decentralized nature of the fediverse even if eventually corporate shills start to creep up in here with paid instances, instances riddled with ads, etc… there will always be instances that reject that and so users can always move there without loosing connections. In my opinion decentration is the true nature of the Internet.

    For myself I now follow this formula for information search:

    • Chatgpt if I can’t really express what I’m looking for or don’t know anything about it.
    • Wikipedia for more comprehensive historical or scientific stuff
    • Google for commercial stuff
    • Duckduckgo to avoid Google ads and tainted result order
    • Books - annas-archive.org will change your book search forever.
    • Scientific articles - Scihub (search scihub proxy)