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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • Again with this bullshit.

    “As it comes to, particularly the creators out there, look, our view is, a lot of them have gone from hobbyists to professionals. And it’s part of our job to make sure they can do that and they do get paid and they see the monetary rewards if they make awesome content,” Howard said.

    This is such horseshit. This isn’t about “making sure that they get paid” this is about Bethesda getting a cut of those profits, nothing more nothing less. The way modding is right now is perfect, at least from a user’s perspective. You get everything for free but if you can afford it and want to then you can donate to the creator.

    There’s no need for a paid system because that excludes people who can’t afford to pay for the stuff. They are already excluded from official content because everything comes as a paid dlc nowadays and now you also want to exclude them from modding?

    I think this will only hurt the modding community and the only ones really profiting from this are the corporations.

  • Even just going off the article you posted “helped” is a strong word in regards to distributing malware through their framework. It appears that their framework had simply been hijacked by hackers to distribute malware and they had no involvement in that.

    I’m not saying they’re trustworthy but the situation isn’t nearly as bad as this biased summary suggests.

    The same website has rated express VPN as one of the most trustworthy vpns in their most recent review. Based on the high amount of independent audits the company is performing.


    Definitely do more research. I’m going to look into it myself but I’m paying until June anyways and I don’t think an immediate switch is necessary.

  • It is avoidable overall but it always requires an effort on my part which is the wrong way around imo.

    Ultimately my stance on it is that it’s annoying but there’s only so much we can reasonably do about it. I don’t expect dB or the police to patrol train stations to make sure nobody is smoking. It’s largely avoidable and if people want to kill themselves then they’re free to do that. We have much bigger problems to focus on, like the one you mentioned: cars. (And maybe if more people used the train instead of cars there’d be more of an incentive make sure most of your customers aren’t being bothered by a minority)

  • Not everyone can buy a gun, to get the paperwork you need to meet a somewhat arbitrary age requirement and you have to be “mentally stable”. So we are discriminating against mentally handicapped people. It makes sense, I don’t even disagree with it, just saying that it’s the same logic as op’s.

    Okay, maybe a better example: if you’re interested in becoming president you have to be at least 40. Sounds like age discrimination to me :P

    I don’t smoke so I’m not super invested in this either. However, I travel a lot by train and besides the trains always being late what annoys me most are smokers. Smoking is already banned at all train stations and bus stops but the first thing some people do when exiting a train is lighting a cigarette. In the middle of a crowd. Imo the only way to stop them from doing that in crowds is by banning smoking completely & this law is a good way to do that, but it would have to be an EU-wide measure imo. Otherwise it’s too easy to just drive to a neighbouring country and buy a pack of cigarettes.