• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I can only guess.

    And I really do not know much about India.

    But I have heard that their is a huge amount of shame connected to trans behaviors. To the point that I once saw a video where the government hired trans women to embarrassed people into paying taxes. This was at some time in the 90s so drag wa she term used. But it was basically hiring men dressed as women to spend time hanging around the business locations of people failing to pay their taxes.

    Honestly if this is how it can be seen in the nation. I can very much see a family wanting to claim a member was tricked rather then chose the option.

    Very like we used to see wealthy families refusing to admit thoer darters got pregnant. Back in the 40s many young teen women were placed in mental institutions when they got pregnant. Later on we saw mothers claiming the dauter belonged to them rather then an unmarried teen daughter.

    I can see the motivation being similar.

  • You know cows kill a fair few folks in the UK right.

    The summery said it was reported running at members of the public.

    While I am sure there are better ways to deal with it. As lets face it the car is only going to scare it more. Scared out of control cow are freaking dangerous.

    There have been a number of news articles talking about killer cows over the last few years. Even though it is rare. Average of a few a year and normally when the cows are stressed for some reason. But let’s face. Media is not known for responsible reporting.

    But a cow in the middle of a busy road acting aggressive towards humans. Is a genuine threat. I can def see a cop being to scared to approach it without the car and thinking removing the cow is urgent.

    Of course the action is dumb. Clearing the road and calling a vet would be better. But I can fathom a cop panicking.

  • HumanPenguin@feddit.uktoCasual UK@feddit.ukSo Angry!
    20 days ago

    I assume they think the bank of England and international investors are to left wing.

    It is basically what lettuce brain is claiming. Also a common hiding point for extream right wing supporters. We are not wrong the world is out to get us and refuses to give our ideas a real chance.

    IE democracy is out to get us unless we try to limit the left from actually acting.

  • OK fair point.

    But XLs were intentionally bread as fighting dogs. So while I agree extermination of the breed is cruel.

    Encouraging breeder to continue the breed is also unacceptable. And as we do not currently have the ability to change laws in other nations. The current law that requires owners to register and raise the dogs safly. IE using a muzzle. Is likely the best we can do atm.

    Unfortunately dogs are legally treated as property. So banning anyone from owning a dog that is less desirable. Basically translates to put the dog down if you cannot find someone willing to follow the new laws.

    I’d love the laws on dogs to think of them more as a responsibility then property. But we also have to accept the nation we live in is not going to do that.

    I grew up in a time of dog licencing. At that time it was basically a small fee you paid yearly token a dog.

    So the idea of making that more effective would be fine by me.

    But. I really worry about how such things would be implemented. We have just been through a pretty drastic change in what dog training means. Up until about 10 years ago everything we knew about dogs. Was based on 1930s scientific research.

    Very flawed research based on wolves I captivity. As such pretty much all advice given up untill very recently. Was based on that research.

    We now know wolves in captivity are not dogs. More importantly they do not act life free wolves.

    Huge amounts of training such as alpha leader etc. Was based on wolves suffering stress. We also now know training this way leads to harm to the mental health of the dog.

    For dangerous dogs. Upto date training is needed. But I am very uncomfortable with laws relating to have every day dogs not bread for fighting are trained. Because we know. Any rules we come up with now. Are likely to take forever to change if we learn they harm the dogs mental health later.

    We do not hate bigger dogs. No one wants to limit Irish walf hounds or st Bernard’s. All huge dogs.

    The difference is some dogs are physically bread to be able to kill. Others not. If you are attacked by a smaller dog. Or even a labradorite etc. Size dose not lead to them killing you.

    Heck even a rotviler a dog bread with muscle and a strong jaw. Is entirly legal. And has no seriose desire to ban. Because they are not bread to be aggressive.

    XL bully’s and many other banned dogs are not banned due to size. They are banned as the whole breed was created as a marketing gimmick. To sell to unthinking owners looking for a weapon on 4 legs.

    And just like anything else sold in that manner… restrictions are applied. That basically say. Store it safly. Or you must notmow one. If you ow an XL bully. Options exist that do not require you to kill it. House it safly at you ow cost. Or find a ho e that is willing to do so.

    When a small dog bites you. You are there to take the owner to court. As you always have the right to do.

    When the dogs banned bite you. That is often not an option. As the dog is able to kill you. Most domestic dogs are not able and or not bread with the desire to fight.

  • LOL I have temped in a UK orange juice factory. Believe me your sanity depends on what you dont know.

    As for fruit juice and sugar. My comment makes things look more all juice then I intended.

    We tend to sell a few different forms. Pure Juice tends to come in cardboard (plastic coated) tubs of a litre or more. Pure is literal in the name. So no added sugar. It also need to be refrigerated and only lasts weeks. But honestly nattural juice has a sugar called fructos that works pretty well on low blood sugar. Way higher in actual carb grams then modern sodas like coke. But way less then the old pre tax amount.

    We also have Juices made from concentrated juice with water and sugar added. During the concentration process it is heated to remove most of the water. Then shipped to factories. Here purified boiled water ands sugar is added.

    This leads to a juice that can sit on a shelf without refrigeration for years. Both will work when grabbed in a hurry. But as the reconstituted from concentrate juices have from 8 to 12g of sugar carbs per 100 ml you tend to need less. Making it actually better to carry on a summer day. Old coke full sugar was about the same.

    Modern cola is about 4 to 5g per 100ml. Although I have just discovered Coke has started selling Coke Original Taste Brand with 10.6g per 100ml. So looks like they have decided people will pay a bit more after all.

    In sainsbury’s it £5.20 for 8 330ml cans where Diet coke is £4.99 so the tax is far from huge.

  • It has not changed the price of sugar free. Because the compqnies have drematically reduced the sugar in other sodas.

    IE you can nonlonger buy full sugar coke etc. So no tax is actually payable.

    Ir is definitely improved diets. But to give you an idea of how much the sugar is reduced.

    The first few years after the change. Type 1 diabetics like me ended up in ER.

    Because we had spent years ,(decades in my case) turning to fullvsugar drinks to avoid dangerous lows in hot summers.

    Now coke etc has only a small amount more sugar then diet coke.

    Many of us only realised this as we came to in an ambulance on the way to ER.

    It was such an issue that the NHS now prescribes us very high sugar drinks in small plastic ( 100ml) bottles we can carry for emergencies.

    We all also now know to stick to fruit juice if we need to buy something in an emergency. As that is not covered by the rule so has tons of added sugar.