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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • InputZero@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.ml"Patriots"
    5 months ago

    Tories nowadays is typically used to describe a party which supports the establishment the most. So in the United Kingdom’s the Tories typically support the Crown the most. In Commonwealth countries the Tories are usually synonymous with right-wing parties who are typically the most nationalist. However in many Commonwealth countries the right-wing is often more left leaning than the American left. This is of course trying to describe a wide array of political beliefs in broad strokes so I may be accurate but I’m sure as hell not precise.

  • InputZero@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlQuack makes a Swift escape
    5 months ago

    Depending on the level of fame, yeah actually. I wouldn’t want to be on a plane with Taylor Swift. Even with her in first class and me in the cheap seats. Imagine all the Swifties trying to get on your plane to see Taylor or just say they were on the same plane, it would be a nightmare. Not to mention the security threats there would be, how many extremists do you think have made a death threat at Taylor Swift? How would you feel getting on a plane someone threatened to blow up because Taylor Swift was abourd?

    Like it or not the obsession with celebrity status necessitates things like private jets. No one needs to be as popular as Taylor Swift. That leaves the question of ‘is it ethical to become so popular?’ on the table but I am not interested in getting into that.

  • InputZero@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlMath
    5 months ago

    Stop it! Do you want another very long word? Cause that’s how you get very long words. How do you think got the word, antidisestablishmentteroistism?! I already had to learn that word, I don’t want to learn a longer one.

  • InputZero@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlMath
    5 months ago

    In my opinion it would be a movement if facism was the status quo. Given most people are discussing Western nations, which while adopting facism at an alarming pace; are not yet facist. Antifa is not a movement nor an organization. Since not being facist is the status quo and antifa means that you’re not going to support facism, in my opinion antifa is the current “establishment” and being facist is an effort to move the status quo. Aka a movement.

  • Within the confines of the neoliberal-capitalist societies most of us on Lemmy reside in, only the most privileged get to have a fulfilling and well paying occupation. Totally agree with you. My take on the peice is that it’s parodying the notion that you have to turn a hobby or unique skill into capital even well past retirement.

    I’ve always believed that people desire an ‘occupation’, just something to do with your time. Anything a person finds fulfilling to do. I also believe that we’ve confused occupation with payed work and now the two are perceived as the same. Or maybe I’m nuts.

  • Agreed, a little home automation can be nice. I like being able to turn my lights weird colours on a whim, it’s pretty. With the exception of edge cases and people who have a disability I really don’t understand smart large appliances and smart locks. I really hope there’s a reliable smart lock for them and people in the edge cases. I haven’t looked into it at all so I’ll just leave it there.

  • Part of me wishes I still had my families old 386 or commodore knock-off. Read some of the terrible short stories I wrote, play tanks. I remember when my Mom’s friend came over with a stack of 51/4 floppies and installed a program that played the Loonie Toons theme song with their logo and Buggs Bunny captioned saying “That’s all folks.” It blew my mind, video (sort of) on a computer, how was that even possible. I wondered how they got it to connect to the cable cause no way a computer could do that. Dang I’m getting old lol.

  • Still wouldn’t fix it. USB exist in a superposition of states. The only way to get a quantum superposition system like a USB drive to collapse it by entangling it with another quantum superposition, like the USB port on your motherboard. Skipping over a lot of math, the way to do this for USB is to first test all possible sets of superposition states. Which fortunately for us is only two states; the homo-analogues and hetro-analogues states. This entangles the two systems then upon a third attempt it will be in the hetro-analogues state and collapse. The reason for this is the source code for USB was developed in the bowels of hell.

  • InputZero@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlMy wife every two weeks:
    5 months ago

    More often than not I suspect that is the case, anecdotally though neighbors of mine have a different approach. They are very clean and only have a cleaner come in once every two months. They also have an immunocompromised child so slightly different situation.

    One time we got to talking about it and they said it was to clean more thoroughly than they could. The cleaners come in with the expertise and more importantly the tools to make sure their house is clean enough for their child.

    The really good cleaning equipment is really expensive to buy and once you’re renting it it’s not much more expensive to just pay someone to use it. They are far more well off than me, that’s for sure, but they’re not rich.