• 47 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • I think I’ll refrain from posting a pic here, but mom had a ‘plant-bent’ that she followed up on by eventually becoming a certified ‘master gardener’ via series of courses.

    In parallel with that, over the course of many years, mom took the little suburban backyard we had and transformed it in to… holy Willy Wonkas… a sort of ‘lush paradise,’ and with each square foot or so, it consisted of generally non-native, fascinating species. I.e., plants with interesting herbal qualities, incredible flowers, or whatnot.

    Earlier, we’d rescued two stray cats, and it was really fun seeing them go back outside and frolic in mom’s garden. Hahaha, it was like an amusement park to them, one in which they became undeniably blissful and non-argumentative. (see, they didn’t like each too much, despite being sister littermates)

  • Right on.

    Now this is just personal anecdote-- but one thing I’ve always been pretty surprised by (as a person with fairly severe health issues, haha not sure how that totally influences thigns) is how, when there’s a local emergency, the adrenaline just hits me and I spring in to action (as much as I can) to help out.

    Par example, three times now I’ve survived bad fires that way, and after comparing notes with an old friend over Uvalde, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that both of us felt the same way-- that we wouldn’t have been able to look ourselves in the mirror if we hadn’t made our best attempt to save the kids.

    Seriously, how do these BLUE people look at themselves in the mirror for either not doing their best that day, or on a national scale, for enabling this awful betrayal of public trust?

  • First of all, thank you for the helpful response!

    Altho I love the Internet Archive, my impression is that at best it exists in a distinctly ‘grey area’ of copyright. AFAIK it has not in fact received permission from any of the legal rights-holders to host their content there.

    And yes, it’s all very well to (rightfully) claim that it’s the users who did the uploading and that AO will remove any material as requested, that’s not the same thing as being in compliance with copyright law as various rights-holders have themselves claimed, which is why many of them would love nothing more than to shut the AO down.

    The real problem on our end is that we don’t want to cause any problems for our host as well as Lemmy, overall. That link you shared is obviously a treasure trove of Sillage albums, but of course it was all scanned and uploaded without copyright permission, and therefore constitutes pirated content virtually to the letter of the law.

    OTOH I’m frequently posting copyrighted content myself, but I do try to keep it in the spirit of fair-usage excerpts which generally fit the model of promoting a work without sharing the entire thing… frankly another grey area that might need to be revisited at some point. And you would be absolutely right to point out that I’ve linked to some complete short stories on Imgur that I certainly didn’t have permission to post(!)

    In that spirit, I’d say you’d be perfectly fine linking to the first several pages of a Sillage (or whatever) album on Imgur, etc if you wanted to help introduce people to the series. And yes, I get that would probably be a lot more work than you’re interested in, but that’s exactly the kind of thing I frequently do in putting my posts together here…