Just trying to create communities to help with the big migration.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • Perhaps the military should have a system in place to not allow emails to be sent outside of very specific TLDs if it’s that sensitive? And perhaps have an automated contact book, instead of relying on someone typing out the to: address manually to be able to make that mistake in the first place?

    Seems like some very basic security measures for something so serious.

  • I have their legacy “professional” plan, and the reason it’s so expensive is because back then, you could pay to add additional custom domains.

    I believe they now removed that feature? I cannot find it anywhere.

    Basically I have a bunch of custom domains for personal stuff, work stuff, small home business stuff, etc, and I use ProtonMail to consolidate it all into one inbox.

    So while ProtonMail has a bunch of pros, and you’ll be able to find them easily, I think it could be more beneficial to tell you about what I would consider cons.

    Like what’s happening now, they always roll out features to their top tier plans first, which can definitely suck. They absolutely don’t care about how much people pay them, they care about the random plan badge associated with the account instead. When they finally added the ability to search for your emails, they rolled it out to visionary members first. Quite insane to have something so basic be locked behind a top tier membership for a limited time.

    In my couple years being with them, they’ve had a few times where their services crapped the bed for multiple days straight. If I remember correctly, last year their mail and calendar services went down on a Monday and took until Wednesday for them to be fully restored. Absolutely destroyed productivity when you are unable to message your clients or check your calendar.

    Proton also makes big claims and almost never meets them. They promised a redesign of the Android app for a couple years, and when it finally came, they were over 1 year past their already extended date. The same thing is happening with the new rewrite of the Android app that is supposed to support basic mail features like email threads.

    Overall I like their services. The web UI is clean and has super awesome features like keyboard shortcuts to easily manage your email. Their services haven’t went down at all, or at least not significantly to my knowledge in 2023 yet, which is good. If you’re ignorant, and you don’t keep up to date about their new features or planned features, you’ll be happy. You really only start to get frustrated when you’re waiting for a basic feature and hear it’s limited to a higher tier at the moment.

    You also have to be okay using their mobile app, as third party mobile email clients don’t work. On desktop a few different ones will work, like Thunderbird, but only if you use proton bridge with it.

  • The Windows app is first coming to Proton Lifetime accounts and will be made available to Visionary users later. Beta invites will be sent out at a later stage.

    I hate their way of managing so much.

    I pay them nearly $150 per month, but I don’t have lifetime or visionary so I’m just screwed and treated like scum.

    How about roll it out to everyone that pays at the same time? I understand maybe holding back on free users, but why screw over your paying users? So ridiculous. I don’t know of any other company that does this.

  • It’s missing so much that iOS has. They’ve said they are releasing a rewritten app, but keep delaying it.

    For example, there’s no threaded email support on Android.


    As discussed in the January update, Android will require more work as we are rewriting more of the application, with a big focus on performance and stability. This means some Android features you have requested for Mail are not in our immediate scope for delivery. In particular, conversation view (also known as threading view) won’t make it into the first version of the new Android app, but we hope to deliver it soon after release.

  • Paid plan adds really basic features other password managers offer for free. Like auto copying of 2FA codes.

    Wouldn’t be bad if I could just pay for it. The fact they are requiring me to upgrade to a different tier to do it is ridiculous. This model should be shunned hard.

    I shouldn’t have to upgrade to an entirely different tier to unlock access to a different Proton service. I should be able to just subscribe to it. Especially since Proton has removed previous tiers in the past, so who’s to say if I no longer want Proton Pass that I can downgrade back to my previous tier?

    Like ya, the business tier offers Pass Plus, Drive Plus, and VPN Plus, all of which I do not care about nor do I want. Stop bundling it together. Sell me Pass Plus separately.

    Terrible, terrible system. I am honestly over the way they manage their company, and I really think about leaving their services for good. I’m sure when they release Proton Notes it’ll be in beta for visionary customers for 3 years before trickling down to us plebs that only pay $150/month and even then it’ll only be available on their business plan.

    EDIT: actually it seems like they only offer 2FA on their paid plan in general.

    EDIT 2: for those wondering, I have a mail essentials business plan customized to allow a bunch of custom domains. The fact I pay SO much just to have a handful of custom domains, but the rest of my account essentially gets the same features as a FREE Proton account is insane. I’d love to pay less and remove Proton VPN, since I literally never use it, as Mullvad is better and cheaper.

    Why am I paying so much, but I am treated like a free user?