Formerly /u/neoKushan on reddit

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • This is exactly what will happen.

    Diff the same video a few times and you’ll be able to figure out which is injected content and which isn’t.

    Separate out the injected content and you can fingerprint that content like how Plex or Emby fingerprints intros to TV shows (i.e. it’s a solved and known problem).

    Then you can reliably identify the injected and content, you know how long it is and can just tell the client to skip it.

    This won’t be easy, it’ll require more than folks indexing ad content but it’s feasible.

  • There’s weirdly a lot of fractures within the LGBTQ+ community, there’s a joke that the letters are “in order of preference” and quite a lot of the gay community doesn’t recognise trans people, or thinks Bi folks are just gay but won’t admit it and things like that.

    An ex of mine was bi and I got exposed to a lot of this shit because of the amount of shit she got from some of her lesbian friends over dating a man. It really shocked me because it’s completely against your own interests to become the very thing that’s opressed you and your kin, yet here we are - gay republicans.

  • I’d like to know more about the grill cooking process. I have recently got into outdoor cooking and love my gas grill (I know, sacrilege but I like the convenience over charcoal). I got a pellet grill smoker a while back and that’s been a game changer too but I’ve been debating getting a pizza oven as well but now room is becoming a problem 😅

    How do do pizza on your grill? Do you have a pizza stone or something?