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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Oh no, you think a 1-minute read is a novel… I timed myself bud, less than a minute… Guess you don’t read a lot of books, or anything, which actually explains a lot.

    Every word you read is wrong? Every word? I said, “Ignorance is a lack of knowledge,” which is the dictionary definition. But I’m sure you know better than the dictionary too lol.

    “but trust me I am not reading most of this shit” Wow, this you: “Because, unlike your ignorant take, I actually do want other perspectives. Even when they are from people who want to be my enemy.” Looks like someone is losing track of their BS.

  • My ignorance keeps expanding. Ignorance is a lack of knowledge, am I somehow forgetting things in real time or are you ignorant to what the term ignorance means? How tf would ignorance expand lol.

    I’m literally just telling you what I see, and you don’t like it. This really gives me a lot of insight as to why you don’t want a shred of self-reflection, you wouldn’t like what you see.

    “I’d appreciate it if you’d stop flooding my inbox. Because, unlike your ignorant take, I actually do want other perspectives. Even when they are from people who want to be my enemy. Otherwise I’d just block you.”

    Omg, what a pathetic victim complex again. You’re a big boy, if you don’t want my responses in your inbox just bock me or stop responding yourself.

    Wait, wait, wait. You want me to stop talking to you, but you also want other perspectives, even from me. But why do you want me to stop if you want my perspective? And if you did actually want me to stop, you could just block me, but you don’t want to do that. So you want me to stop but are taking no actions that would make me stop but also you don’t want me to stop because you want my perspective. You’re getting tangled in your own mental gymnastics bud.

  • Lol, now people who disagree with you are automatically bloodthirsty, Jesus the victim complex is strong with this one. And let’s be honest, I’ve disqualified my opinion in your eyes the second I disagreed with you. You’re not interested in convos outside your echo chamber bud.

    “I didn’t read the rest. Can you stop?”

    I love this sentence for so many reasons.

    • It shows your unwillingness to consider other people’s opions
    • It’s putting your narcissism on full display. Even though you want the convo to be over and aren’t even reading what the other pain says you just can’t stop yourself from responding.
    • You not only didn’t read it, but felt the need to tell me you didn’t read it, the confidence in ignorance is kinda impressive.

    Why oh why might people down vote and disagree with you. Such a mystery.

  • “Your bizarre lecturing couldn’t be less important to anyone, least of all, me.”

    Yah that’s kinda my point. You don’t care what anyone else thinks lol. And it’s only bizarre to you because the idea of a little self reflection is a foreign concept to you.

    Also, how do I have no idea what I’m talking about. I said consider having some introspection if everyone is telling you you’re wrong. If you think that’s “having no clue” well then that’s clearly part of your problem.

    “Maybe you should take your own advice and take a long walk somewhere contemplating some stranger’s comment on the internet about your deep need for introspection.”

    More misrepresention of what I said. Also you never once mentioned that I need introspection. See you’re just being defensive and lashing out in ways that don’t make sense because you can’t process your feelings.

    I’ll tell you this, if I made multiple comments on subjects that were constantly shit all over, like you claim is happening with you, I very much would take a beat to do just that: take a walk and have a little introspection. Because unlike you I’d rather be right than proud.

  • Nope, that’s not at all what I said. See that’s your issue, you want to get mad and hyper defensive about everything instead of just having some introspection when people are telling you you’re wrong. I basically said “if everyone is telling you you’re wrong, that’s a good indicator that you should at least reevaluate your position” and you had to take that and get defensive. If this is how you handle someone else’s views then ya, I get why you’re down voted.

    You’re building a straw man and then trying to use that straw man to back your point. I clearly stated that other people’s opinion does not make you right or wrong. This is a great example of your problem. You’re not even trying to understand the point I’m making, you’re just getting upset because someone suggested the idea that you might, just maybe, be wrong. So you make super hyperbolic statements and misrepresent what I said.