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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Yeah, for enterprise you aren’t going to roll it out yourself. They’d use a partner company to help you set it up and configure it for their needs to ensure that it can continue to scale and provide monitoring solutions. It’s too much for one person to do that.

    Where are you hosting it? Onsite? Megacorporation’s clod solution? Your cable line? What’s your data recovery plan? 200+ users can generate a lot of data. What’s the security plan? You do know how to harden every aspect of each subsystem, right? What’s the monitoring plan? Not just “is it down” but way more granular for each subsystem. How many tech and phone support people will be on call to help?

    You could probably roll it out in a way that would work, but at that scale you should really be using a pro. Especially for a “friend”. Don’t want a tech problem to kill that friendship.

  • MrMonkey@lemm.eetoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mli hate when this happens
    1 year ago

    Works the same as M-b for me (backwards-word)

    Make sure your /etc/inputrc or ~/.inputrc contains

    # mappings for Ctrl-left-arrow and Ctrl-right-arrow for word moving
    "\e[1;5C": forward-word
    "\e[1;5D": backward-word
    "\e[5C": forward-word
    "\e[5D": backward-word
    "\e\e[C": forward-word
    "\e\e[D": backward-word`

  • Per the New York Times, 2018

    Their tor doesn’t seem to be paywalled.

    Red counties, which are overwhelmingly Republican, tend to report higher charitable contributions than Democratic-dominated blue counties, according to a new study on giving, although giving in blue counties is often bolstered by a combination of charitable donations and higher taxes.

    Maybe they come out more or less even, I don’t know. But to say conservatives are “me me me” and liberals are “we we we” is just ignorant and doesn’t jive with the facts.

    I a little bit of hope that you’ll read this and change the conservative strawman you have in your head just a little bit. You can’t engage in honest conversation when you do that.

    The problem is that you don’t understand conservative viewpoints. Not that you disagree, that you don’t understand.

    Here’s a short reading list, with liberal authors, about it:

    • “The Moral Roots of Ideology” by Jonathan Haidt and Jesse Graham (2007):

    This study explores the moral foundations theory and suggests that liberals and conservatives tend to prioritize different moral values, leading to divergent political ideologies. Understanding these underlying moral foundations can contribute to a better understanding of political differences.

    • “The Ideological Animal” by John T. Jost, Christopher M. Federico, and Jaime L. Napier (2009)

    This article discusses the psychological underpinnings of political ideology and explores factors that influence individuals’ understanding of opposing viewpoints, such as openness to experience, cognitive flexibility, and exposure to diverse perspectives.

    • “Beyond Ideology: Predicting Political Bias and Attitude Extremity from Personal Need for Structure” by John T. Jost, Jack Glaser, Arie W. Kruglanski, and Frank J. Sulloway (2003):

    This study examines the role of psychological factors, such as the need for structure and certainty, in shaping political bias and the ability to understand opposing views.

    Or just continue to spew hate. Your call, buddy.

  • The hours unavailable:

    Day Time Offline Start Stop
    Monday - Friday 4 hours 1am 5am
    Saturday 6 hours 11pm 5am
    Sunday 8½ hours 11:30pm 8am
    Total 34½ hours/week

    The first one sounds like “scheduled maintenance” gone awry. Like for something that takes 5 minutes to run that you tell your boss will take an hour, who tells his boss it’ll take two hours, boss then says “let’s double that to be safe”.

    I wanna know WHY it is unavailable. Does the system crash if there’s not enough paper in the dot-matrix printer? Are the HTTP responses being filled out manually in real time?

  • If those 50 people are all going to same places than the bus goes. At the same time.

    A coworker was taking the bus to get home. 2 hours due to two line changes where they can wait up to 30 minutes for the next bus. I started giving him a ride home when I could.

    5 minutes out of my way and cut his commute down to 20 minutes. From 2 hours. That’s 120 minutes down to 20 minutes. With just that extra hour of sleep he’s much happier.

    An extra hour and a half of each day wasted on public transportation.