MuinteoirSaoirse [she/her]

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2024


  • Transgender, in its conception, was a coalitional term designed as an umbrella for all sorts of people who transgressed against cisheteronormative gender roles. This included transsexual people, but it also included crossdressers, drag queens/kings, stone butches, fairies, dykes, aggressives, removeds, and a whole slew of other identities (many of which would, in our current terminology, be considered “cis”).

    It was only in the late nineties and into the early aughts that the term transgender started being viewed as synonymous with transsexual. This has led to a lot of interesting (though often inflammatory) shifts in the language used in queer communities. In the anglosphere, the language of institutionalized queer organizing gained prominence, and street-level identifiers fell by the wayside. There were lots of reasons for this: some identities were considered too niche, or too difficult to parse for cishetero audiences. For some, the terms that were symbols of self-realization in some communities were often considered slurs in others (and this is especially true of identifiers used by racialized and otherwise marginalized communities, as able-bodied, educated, wealthy white queer people became a focus for deciding which language was acceptable and which was “offensive”).

    With the prominence of the coalitional term “transgender,” which offered an opportunity to bridge the gap between a lot of different marginalized groups under a cohesive banner, transsexual came into a specific sort of cross-fire. On the one hand, you had a new wave of self-identified transgender people making arguments that transsexual as a term was “binary” and “reinforcing gender norms,” which you may recognize as a parallel to arguments that “bisexual” as a term “reinforces the binary.” (This is also a bit of a rehashing of the old lesbian movement’s arguments that androgyny is the “correct” way to do lesbian feminism, and that femininity “reinforces the patriarchy.” Turns out political movements are often doomed to recycle the same tired and divisive rhetoric).

    On the other hand, you had transsexual people who did struggle with accepting or understanding the larger coalitional movement, for a variety of reasons. For instance, there are transsexual people who were resistant to the idea that they could be “lumped in” with crossdressers, or queens, because (especially at the time) many people who were openly transsexual lived “straight” lives, and couldn’t agree with the fact of their manhood or womanhood being conflated with queer sexual practices. There were transsexual people who considered themselves to have a medical issue unrelated to queer activism, or who desired to live lives of stealth. There were transsexual people who saw their very identity as transsexual get villainized by other queer activists as “reinforcing the binary,” as though some identities could be inherently radical/more radical than others. There were transsexual people who were having their very specific transsexual needs sidelined under wider discussions of transgender activism and transgender rights.

    These were all very real and interlaced conflicts of language, the type that will come up in any coalitional organizing, by the way. Coalitions are great for getting people swinging together, but they can easily end up replicating systems of hierarchy and invisibilize the differing needs of the members within that coalition (check out Viviane K. Namaste’s Invisible Lives: The Erasure of Transsexual and Transgendered People and Julia Serano’s Excluded: Making Feminist and Queer Movements More Inclusive).

    This is all to say that there has been a very deep interplay of competing ideas of what it even means to be transsexual and transgender, that there is no consensus and that there can be no consensus because any consensus would at its heart replicate the very systems of assignment of identity and gender role that transgender activism erupted to combat. There is a very real effort by the bourgeois institutions of queer theory to create a containing and hegemonic ideal of queer identity that can be easily captured and consumed in the commodity market, and this has coloured the way that queer identity is understood and discussed at large. There is no “correct” term for anyone to use, and you simply cannot judge a person based on what words they use to relate to their personal experiences. Language is always in motion, and while often that motion is being directed by the institutions of power, those on the margins will always carve their own linguistic space, and it is incumbent on us to allow people the opportunity to self-describe.

  • Tá fáilte romhat! Hope you find something in there that you enjoy, or that resonates. Whipping Girl is one that I bought after reading because after so many years of Stoller’s sex/gender distinction permeating queer theory to the point that it’s often uncritically presented as fact, it was so amazing to read Serrano’s theory of intrinsic inclinations (which she fleshed out further in subsequent writings) which jives much more with my own experiences and works better to apply across different experiences and cultural manifestations of gender

  • I’ve noticed a couple people mentioning a desire to getting into more reading. I have some recommendations (and am always open to discussing books) that focus primarily on trans/intersex and queergender theory. I also think feministgender theory (absent specifically queer lenses) is an important backbone to queer gender theory, as early feminist writers describing the gender-class distinction paved the way for understanding queerness’s place in the gender-class distinction, but this list would be way too long then. Hit me up if you want some recommendations though. Some of these ethnographs rather than theory, or historical, or a bit more personal.

    Let's start with the trans classics

    Julia Serrano - Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity, which can be followed up with Excluded: Making Feminist and Queer Movements More Inclusive, and Sexed Up: How Society Sexualizes Us, and How We Can Fight Back, and Outspoken: A Decade of Transgender Activism and Trans Feminism

    Emi Koyama - The Transfeminist Manifesto and Transfeminism: A Collection

    Leslie Feinberg - Trans Liberation: Beyond Pink Or Blue, and Lavender and Red, and Transgender Warriors: Making History From Joan of Arc to Dennis Rodman (a great read and interesting for its time, but be wary of accepting Feinberg’s premise that contemporary concepts of identity can be broadly applied to cultural contexts across space and time)

    Kate Bornstein - Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women, and the Rest of Us and Gender Outlaws: the Next Generation

    Riki Wilchins - Read My Lips: Sexual Subversion and the End of Gender

    Susan Stryker - My Words to Victor Frankenstein Above the Village of Chamounix: Performing Transgender Rage (which is a fantastic essay) and Transgender History: The Roots of Today’s Revolution

    Susan Stryker and Stephen Whittle (editors) - The Transgender Studies Reader and The Transgender Studies Reader 2 (this one is edited with Aren Aizura rather than Whittle)

    Viviane K. Namaste - Invisible Lives : The Erasure of Transsexual and Transgendered People and Sex Change, Social Change: Reflections on Identity, Institutions, and Imperialism

    Esther Newton - Mother Camp: Female Impersonators in America and Margaret Mead Made Me Gay: Personal Essays, Public Ideas and Cherry Grove, Fire Island: Sixty Years in America’s First Gay and Lesbian Town

    And this one isn’t so much a classic as it is essential reading for trans studies for Marxists:

    Jules Joanne Gleeson and Elle O’Rourke (editors) - Transgender Marxism (I also recommend Gleeson’s essay Transition and Abolition: Notes on Marxism and Trans Politics)

    And now for some less well-known trans theory:

    Jay Prosser - Second Skins: The Body Narratives of Transsexuality

    Joanne Meyerowitz - How Sex Changed: A History of Transsexuality in the United States

    Angela Pattatuchi Aragón - Challenging Lesbian Norms: Intersex, Transgender, Intersectional, and Queer Perspectives

    Rita Santos - Beyond Gender Binaries: The History of Trans, Intersex, and Third-Gender Individuals

    Marjorie Garber - Vested Interests: Cross-dressing and Cultural Anxiety

    Larry Nuttbrock (ed.) - Transgender Sex Work and Society

    Andrea Abi-Karam, Kay Gabriel - We Want It All: An Anthology of Radical Trans Poetics (this is poems, more than theory, but so worth it)

    Mark Thompson, Dorothy Allison, Guy Baldwin, Joseph W. Bean, Michael Bronski, Pat Califia, Jack Fritscher, Geoff Mains, Gayle Rubin – Leatherfolk: Radical Sex, People, Politics, and Practice

    Hil Malatino - Side Affects: On Being Trans and Feeling Bad

    Merrick Daniel Pilling - Queer and Trans Madness: Struggles for Social Justice

    Morty Diamond, Julia Serano, Shawna Virago, Sassafras Lowrey, Silas Howard, Cooper Lee Bombardier – Trans/Love: Radical Sex, Love & Relationships Beyond the Gender Binary

    And this is for intersex theory:

    Hilary Malatino - Queer Embodiment: Monstrosity, Medical Violence, and Intersex Experience

    Alice Domurat Dreger - Hermaphrodites and the Medical Invention of Sex

    Anne Fausto-Sterling - Myths Of Gender: Biological Theories About Women And Men and Sex/Gender: Biology in a Social World and Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality

    Catherine Harper - Intersex

    Morgan Holmes - Critical Intersex

    Nikoletta Pikramenou - Intersex Rights: Living Between Sexes

    Julia Epstein, Kristina Straub - Body Guards: The Cultural Politics of Gender Ambiguity

    David A. Rubin - Intersex Matters: Biomedical Embodiment, Gender Regulation, and Transnational Activism

    Georgiann Davis - Contesting Intersex: The Dubious Diagnosis

    Katrina Karkazis - Fixing Sex: Intersex, Medical Authority, and Lived Experience

    Brandy L. Simula, J.E. Sumerau, Andrea Miller (editors) - Expanding the Rainbow: Exploring the Relationships of Bi+, Polyamorous, Kinky, Ace, Intersex, and Trans People

    Elizabeth Reis - Bodies in Doubt: An American History of Intersex

    Hida Vilori, Maria Nieto - The Spectrum of Sex: The Science of Male, Female, and Intersex

    Stefan Horlacher (eds.) - Transgender and Intersex: Theoretical, Practical, and Artistic Perspectives

    And this is queer theory more broadly:

    Hilary Manette Klein - The Problematics of Heterosexuality: Marxism, Psychoanalysis, and Mother Nature

    Holly Lewis - The Politics of Everybody: Feminism, Queer Theory, and Marxism at the Intersection

    Gayle S. Rubin – Deviations: A Gayle Rubin Reader

    Sara Ahmed - Queer Phenomenology: Orientations, Objects, Others

    Judith Butler - Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity and Bodies That Matter: On The Discursive Limits of “Sex” and Undoing Gender

    Andrew Parker, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick - Performativity and Performance

    Also Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick - Epistemology of the Closet and Tendencies

    Carla Freccero, Michèle Aina Barale, Jonathan Goldberg, Michael Moon, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick - Queer/Early/Modern

    Monique Wittig - The Straight Mind And Other Essays

    Mary McAuliffe (editor) - Sapphists and Sexologists: Histories of Sexualities

    Chrysanthi Nigianni, Merl Storr - Deleuze and Queer Theory

    Suzanne J. Kessler, Wendy McKenna – Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach

    Thomas Walter Laqueur - Making Sex, Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud

    And this is examining abolition from a trans perspective:

    Joey L. Mogul, Andrea J. Ritchie, Kay Whitlock - Queer (In)Justice: The Criminalization of LGBT People in the United States

    Dean Spade - Normal Life: Administrative Violence, Critical Trans Politics, and the Limits of Law

    Eric A. Stanley - Captive Genders: Trans Embodiment and the Prison Industrial Complex

    Jasbir Puar - Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times

    And this is for reading about queerness in non-American/English cultural contexts

    Adnan Hossain - Beyond Emasculation: Pleasure and Power in the Making of hijra in Bangladesh and Badhai: Hijra-Khwaja Sira-Trans Performance Across Borders in South Asia (with Claire Pamment)

    Xianyong Bai, Hans Tao-Ming Huang- Queer Politics and Sexual Modernity in Taiwan

    Denise Tse-Shang Tang - Conditional Spaces: Hong Kong Lesbian Desires and Everyday Life

    Elisabeth L. Engebretsen, William F. Schroeder, Hongwei Bao (editors) - Queer/Tongzhi China: New Perspectives on Research, Activism and Media Cultures

    Eli Coleman, Chou Wah-Shan – Tongzhi: Politics of Same-Sex Eroticism in Chinese Societies

    Howard Chiang (eds.) - Transgender China

    Hongwei Bao - Queer China: Lesbian and Gay Literature and Visual Culture Under Postsocialism

    Francisca Yuenki Lai - Maid to Queer: Asian Labor Migration and Female Same-Sex Desires

    Don Kulick – Travesti: Sex, Gender, and Culture among Brazilian Transgendered Prostitutes

    Gloria Anzaldua - Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza

    Eunjung Kim - Curative Violence: Rehabilitating Disability, Gender, and Sexuality in Modern Korea

    Hwasook Nam - Women in the Sky: Gender and Labor in the Making of Modern Korea

    Fintan Walsh - Queer Performance and Contemporary Ireland: Dissent and Disorientation

    Páraic Kerrigan - LGBTQ Visibility, Media and Sexuality in Ireland

    Patrick R. Mullen - The Poor Bugger’s Tool: Irish Modernism, Queer Labor, and Postcolonial History

    Gul Ozyegin (ed.) - Gender and Sexuality in Muslim Cultures

    Stephen O. Murray, Will Roscoe (editors) - Islamic Homosexualities: Culture, History, and Literature

    Saed Atshan - Queer Palestine and the Empire of Critique

    Sarah Schulman - Israel/Palestine and the Queer International

    Stephen O. Murray, Will Roscoe (editors) - Boy-wives and Female Husbands: Studies in African Homosexualities

    Will Roscoe - Changing Ones: Third and Fourth Genders in Native North America