• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I have adhd and all if these problems that go with it. I also found that my anxiety disorder causes me to get extremely stressed when my work gives me too much to do and expects me to move mountains. That’s when I start feeling like this and I start not sleeping.

    Turns out sleep is really important. Right now work is in a bit of a lull for me, and I’m sleeping fine again, and I don’t feel depressed, or have any of these issues at the moment, except the usual, adhd issues of staying on task, going to bed at a normal time, etc.

    I will say, getting enough sleep makes the world issues you’ve mentioned easier to deal with. Can’t say I have any advice for how to get it under control considering everyone is different when it comes to how to help their adhd symptoms. I’m super sensitive to medications for example, so a lot of them haven’t helped me much. Hope you start getting on the right track at least.

    Edit: I would say definitely try to minimize the doom scrolling tho, cut out some of the news if you can. I find life easier to deal with if I’m not always worried about how bad the world is outside.