• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Yep, it seems that you added some black space at the top, and that got the job done.

    One request - any chance you can increase and/or make a setting for comment text size? It’s much smaller than all the other text and hard to read for my old(er) eyes. I can use the zoom on Safari to increase the page size before saving it as a PWA, but that makes the text run off the right side of the page, requiring me to scroll back and forth to read comments.

  • Okay, first let’s cool it with the insults. He’s not a moron, he’s my friend, and he’s extremely intelligent. But he’s been brainwashed by propaganda from those who want to hold up Musk as a god-like figure, which is why I say we NEED to continue publicize Musk’s negative actions to keep balanced information out there.

    Second, telling people that they should stop talking on social media about something that you’re tired of hearing about is the antithesis of SOCIAL media. If no one wanted to talk about it, it wouldn’t keep getting posted and commented on. You can use filters and never see another post with his name, but ironically, you opened this post about Musk and made a comment, which keeps it going.

  • Actually we need to keep publicizing his ridiculousness so those that worship him might finally realize he’s not some genius ™. I had a friend recently tell me that Musk was probably the smartest person on the planet right now. I had to explain - as gently as possible so as not to offend those who think others are the snowflakes - that Musk is the very definition of starting on third base and thinking you hit a triple. My buddy gets plenty of propaganda telling him how great Musk is, there needs to be plenty of balance.

    NOTE: Before you tell me, yes, I know that brainwashed people don’t just change their mind, and it probably won’t make a difference. But we shouldn’t let these lines of thought go unchallenged.